First off let me say that I am easily amused. Basically I watch a lot of trash TV and I know it. But last night I was more than passively watching Fashion Star. I usually relax while watching most shows (especially at 9:30pm) but I was siting up and on the edge of my seat for this show.
It’s not a difficult format/concept. Fourteen designers get to do a little runway action with a design of theirs. Jessica Simpson, Nicole Ritchie, and John Varvatos are mentors which isn’t interesting to me but let me tell you what is! Buyers from Macy’s, Saks, and H&M are there to make an offer for what they like from these designers. To sell in the above mentioned stores. They are buying enough to in H&M’s case put it in 2,300 stores and sell it online so their bids are $50,000 dollars or more. They can also pass on the designers collections which I don’t have to tell you is embarrasing as hell. Last night several designers came up with no offers across the buyer panel. I wanted to crawl under my pillow for them. Awkward!!!
Check out the buyers…the Saks guy is the most like Simon. They always gotta have a mean judge.
The best thing is the designers that did get offers their items are available online for sale right after the show and in Macy’s, Saks, and H&M stores the next day. This is genius. Best idea ever. I didn’t want to buy anything this week but you can bet I checked each online store to see the prices. While watching the show you have no idea how much these items will sell for so I was curious. I am hoping that H&M gets some good stuff as the season goes on because I like their prices.
They have the typical someone goes home every week thing but I just found myself ignoring that. I love hearing from the buyers. They are the whole show to me. I’ve always wondered why they buy things because its a decision that would cripple me personally. I just couldn’t do it.
If you missed the first episode its here and let me warn you there is a lot of fluff. I DVR’d it so I could skip through commercials and stuff.
Caprice the Macy’s buyer walked away with the best pieces this week in my opinion. Here’s a look at the things she purchased for Macy’s and the prices. I wanted to scream at the H&M buyer for not getting that Asymmetrical Tunic on the bottom left. It would have been under $50 I bet and I would have gotten it! But $80 heck naw!
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