I really wanted to take a minute to let you know all the ways that you can keep up with me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your blog, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook comments. So many of you keep me on my toes and help me find new products to try, I just love hearing all your ideas and thoughts on products. Even if you don’t comment regularly I really appreciate you taking a look at posts and videos!
If you comment a few times believe it or not I file you away in my head according to your likes/dislikes for example: Vanessa likes Philosophy perfume but hates China Glaze nail polish. Funny huh?! That’s the way I remember who you are!
I am so glad that so many of you have commented on the blog redesign. I’m so happy with it. Please check out Fancy Girl Designs if you need help with your website. A fast and more professional organization is going to be hard to find! I’m so happy with how things turned out.
Please take a look at the different ways for us to stay connected and if you’d like to add one please do! For some of the options all you have to do is click on the name of the option to get started, I hope that helps!
Twitter- I’m @crystalcam, I usually tweet new blog posts, YouTube videos, and the occasional shopping photo.
Facebook- You can join my Facebook page, I do posts on there for giveaways but not everyday or anything so as not to be annoying!
Instagram- I’m crystalis007 on Instagram and I love taking pictures of products. So if you want to see what I’m trolling for at Ulta/Sephora/CVS this is the best place to see that.
Bloglovin- I love this option. All your favorite blogs in once place!
YouTube- I’m crystalis007, I make a few video’s a week and I’d love it if you subscribed.
Thanks again for all the support and makeup opinions/comments you send my way! You can use the social media links at the bottom of this post as well that are under the words Follow Me:) I hope your year is off to a great start!
Hey Crystal ! I definitely want to congratulate you on the new blog set up. Bond girl…. Dangerous (lol)! Well I wanted to tell I discovered the two most beautiful crystallized nail polishes from loreal…Too Dimensional? & hidden gems. If don’t have them already, please get them! Thanks
Thank you! I’ll look out for those polishes-wait I have Hidden Jems!
Hey Crystal – You’ve nailed it with your re-design! It feels…fresh and girly with a touch of sophistication. Ok the question that’s been on my mind. When are you going to do a makeup room tour? We all know you have a serious collection and want to bask in the glow of the highlighter drawer. lol BTW – I think you are awesome, keep doing what you do!
Thank you so much thats exactly what I wanted something cute and girly but not like a 10 yr olds bedroom hahaha!
I most likely will never do another collection storage video. At first I did one yearly but let me tell you those videos bring out the crazies. People that want to make racial/social/just plain insulting comments are drawn to those videos. It’s a lightening rod I’d like to avoid. I remember telling and showing a few friends the comments that came in. They were shocked. I did the last one in 2012 and the comments from that one still come in daily. Things like “I thought all black people in America were on welfare” by the way thats a tame comment! All that being said I’d love to do it because so many people get ideas and help from those videos but I just refuse to even read the garbage comments that come in.
Are you kidding me?!?! I can’t believe how ignorant people can be. I remember when you said you were getting your makeup room together and was looking forward to seeing a room tour – bummed out!!
I’ve been watching your videos for a couple of years and LOVE seeing everything you do! I love you and Tati from Glamlifeguru and hope you make videos every day like she now does – you guys are beautiful, real and amazing! Keep up the great work!
Yeah it’s really a shame. There is so much I would like to do but I just don’t because I just can’t count on it being taken the right way. Thanks for being so supportive!
I’m sorry to hear that. I enjoy your blog so much. I’m glad you don’t let them get you down!
I’ve been following your blog and your youtube channels for about a year now and I really appreciate the work you put into it. I can’t think of one thing I’ve purchased based on your swatches that I don’t love. Covergirl smitten lipstick, maybelline mauve mania lipstick, nyx desert rose blush, and some elf eyeshadows that you swatchted over on youtube just to name a few. Thanks for doing what you do!
Thank you so much! I really love doing all this and I really appreciate you stopping by!
I love your blogs and videos. You always give great reviews and recommendations and just seem so nice. Keep up the great work! <3
Thank you! I am so glad to hear that you like the blog and videos!
I do love the new design! I also love your quote up top; “High end or low end. It all ends up at my house.” Too funny!
Thank you! That quote explains it all!
The blog revamp is fab!!! Love it! You’re so fun to watch on YouTube, I want to say thank you for all of the purchasing, testing and reviewing you do! You rock!
Thank you I’m so glad you like it!
Crysal – I Love your videos! They are one of the first things I look for every time I log into YouTube. And the new blog set up looks terrific! I just want to tell you that I appreciate what you do, it is obvious you really do take your time and consider the pros and cons of each product, which I appreciate. You have not only inspired me to branch out and try new things, you have saved me from wasting my time and money too. Keep being your awesome self, and let Max chase that squirrel every now and then! LOL! Lastly, I just have to tell you, that I have been pouting around/being jealous for about a year now watching your shopping vlogs and wishing my BB&B had a cosmetics section beyond an loofah and a tube of hand lotion. (BTW, I live in Pittsburgh, PA) Well, I walked into my BB&B the other day and squealed out (very) loud with joy to see 9 brand new sparkling isles of Harmons! Face, Skin, Hair, everything! I thing I actually weirded out the sales lady that was stocking one of the shelves. Oh, this is so great (as are some of the prices), and yet so dangerous!
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you’ve tried some new things. Thats whats so great about makeup new discoveries!
OH MY GOD you got a Harmons! Thats the best thing ever. Thank you for all the nice things that you said and I’m so glad that you got a Harmons wow! I went to a new BB&B that was opening up closer to my house (a few months ago) and they don’t have it. I was crushed. I was like I could stalk the heck out of the place since it’s down the street…Ha!
Hi again! I have a request for your YouTube videos. I appreciate that you always list what you’re wearing in the description, but I’m wondering if you could list the products you’re reviewing in the video? I like going back to your channel for your take on products when there are sales at Sephora, Ulta or the drugstore, so it would be great if we could search your videos. Just a request – I know it’s more work for you, but just wanted to throw it out there! =)