I love Color Club nail polish and one of my favorite nail websites has them for $3 each, it’s a website I order from every few months www.transdesign.com.
Here are some pictures of the colors that I got. I took one picture in regular daylight and one in sunlight.
Starry Temptress Topcoat, Turn the Other Chic, and Hot Couture nail polishes from Color Club-eye catching huh?
Next up Ultra-Astral, Otherworldly, and You Got Soul-Ar. I am in love with Ultra-Astral, what a great pink shade!
Give Me A Hint, Get A Clue, and Secret Rendezvous, nice everyday colors.
Alter Ego, The Lime Starts Here, Revealed, and Yum Gum.
I love all of these colors and for $3 each I am so happy I got them. I’ll have lots of Color Club polish NOTD’s for you guys over the next few months!
Have you ever used Color Club Nail Polish? Do tell!
I have used the color club nail polishes. They are so opaque!! Love all the colors you got.
They are really nice colors and I love the price!