My site went down Friday afternoon and it hasn’t been up with all previous content/posts till today. I am so happy all my 1200+ posts are back. For a long while I thought they were gone. I’m going to fix some of Fridays posts that didn’t come back all the way and then start up again.
I really appreciate your patience and all the kind messages that I’ve received. I can’t thank you enough for your support!
Rachel B. says
Hello! Testing-testing- 1-2-3. Glad to see and hear from you again!
crystalis007 says
Thank you so much for coming back. I didn’t know if things were ever going to be back to normal but they are!!!!
MiMi says
Thank Goodness! I was worried! I’m very glad you’re back!
Oh technology…
crystalis007 says
I was so worried too. I really thought everything was lost and I’d have to start from scratch. Technology almost gave me a heart attack!
Tracy says
So glad you are back!!Technology can be a blessing and a curse…
JenJ says
Welcome back. Was bout to send out an S.O.S lol!
crystalis007 says
LOL thank you! I got the shadow you sent me this morning thank you so much! I love that its called Drama considering the last few days!
JenJ says
Yaaaaay! Glad you got it
Loretta says
Welcome Back!
crystalis007 says
Thank you so much, I’m so glad to be back!
Nikole says
I get email alerts for your new blog posts but the links are no longer working. Do I need to resubscribe?
crystalis007 says
I’ve been trying to fix that since yesterday. I’m trying to change the settings but having trouble. I hope to get it working soon.
ahhhsoneo says
So glad that you are back. Totally deprived when your blog was shut down. Good to have back!
crystalis007 says
Thank you so much!