Mac Cosmetics…we have a difficult relationship. Your like the boyfriend I remember fondly but when I see you I want to throw up.
I love you and yet you anger me. But make no mistake in February 2013 I’m gonna love you like no other baby! There are three collections coming out in the beginning of the month. Approximately on the 7th. I am a big planner and since some of you might be also I’m going to tell you were to go to get info and put together any planning you might need to do. So you don’t break the bank.
The Archie Collection, Year of the Snake, and the Mac Pro Longwear Paint Pot Collection are coming! The Paint Pots are supposed to be permanent so you have time on those and there are quite a few shades that have come out already. Out of the eight shades I have two already so check your makeup stash you might be able to skip the Paint Pots.
Listen up Mac lovers here we go!
Archie’s Girls- Can’t wait for this! I love the special packaging and there are two sides to this. Betty and Veronica. I think I want all the Veronica products they are a little deeper toned so thats me! But this collection is the hardest one to get a full product list. The pricing seems like it’s going to be a bit higher from what I’ve heard also. Here are links to pics: Chic Profile, Sweet Electric, and She Said Beauty.
Year of the Snake- This one has me because there are snakes everywhere! It’s a bunch of great products (some permanent stuff also!) that have really neat patterns. Ok I have nothing else intelligent to say but check out Musings of a Muse for a product list and pictures of everything.
Here’s a picture of the lipsticks from the website. On the left is Cockney, then Freckletone, and Plumful is on the far right:
Mac Pro Longwear Paint Pot Collection- I love Paint Pots. I start 85% of my eye looks with some type of cream product after using eye primer. There are so many great cream shadows out there but I loooove my Paint Pots. There are several already released shades from the Cham Pale collection (four of these shades) from back in 2010 in this release. So you can Google swatches or check out Temptalia for her swatches. Also here’s a link to Temptalia’s Let’s Skate swatches. I missed out on that from the last holiday collection at the end of 2011. I have Dangerous Cuvee and Blackground so the others might be needed! I can’t even decide. The following picture is from
Chilled on Ice, Let’s Skate, Vintage Selection, Let Me Pop,
Frozen Violet, Blackground, Antique Diamond, and Dangerous Cuvee.
I used Google translate for the color descriptions on the website I got the picture from above so excuse my translations but here’s what I got this is FUNNY:
Chilled on Ice-bright white gold
Let’s Skate!-shimmering light pink
Vintage Selection-bright dirty peach
Let Me Pop-copper bright light
Frozen Violet-bright purplish-gray
Blackground-dark gray mica
Antique Diamond-bright olive-gray
Dangerous Cuvee-shiny gray ice
I didn’t post any prices because I’m not sure about whether these products will be the same pricing as usual or more. The Archie’s Girls will be higher due licensing I bet but the other stuff I’m just not positive about so I don’t want to set any expectations.
I recommend that you go to my favorite place for planning and picture trolling, They have a Mac Color Collections area that I go into all the time and it’s a great way to see whats coming and see early swatches. They have other brands on the site also. Check it out!
Thank you so much for this!! My wallet and I will not be getting along come February and Mac is to blame!!
I can always rely on you to keep us up to date with new things in the makeup world
Antique Diamond and Chilled on Ice PPs I need!
So much good stuff at once oh my!! I can’t wait for the paint pots!!!
Hey do you know if the paint pots will be permanent or limited edition? I want EVERYTHING and was hoping MAC would show a little mercy by making them permanent haha.
Yeah I said in the post above that the paint pots are going to be permanent so you have time to scoop those up.
Why can’t I quit yooooooouuuu!?!?! *wall slides* I haven’t looked at the other two collections. Need to figure out my game plan ASAP for Archie!
Lol! I just made my Archie list today. I really need the pricing. I made the lists for the other two collections also. That darn Mac!
love the way you write about the products will love to get all the three lip sticks year of the snake and that one eyeshadow in aztec something thanks xx
Man oh man oh man…this is going to hurt! I only see me getting two…wait three paint pots, that may change once I see them in person. The year of the snake is so unique and I was afraid it would not be available in the US – I would like several items from this collection. Archie’s Girls…I think I want all the lippies and that purple shadow palette. I hate you MAC – call me!
Lol I know that darn MAC. Making me love them and hate them all at the same time!
I saw the year of the snake collection on Mac’s website last night. I picked up a few things. Go check it out if you haven’t already.
Yep I ordered yesterday from the Snake collection and put in my Archie’s Girls order already today it came on the Pro site around 6:30am!