The Friday giveaways are back! I took last week off since the huge birthday giveaway box went up last week.
Check out this limited edition lip gloss set from Lorac. These glosses look so pretty with all the color swirls don’t they? Wow. There are five shades in this set and I don’t know how the winner is going to pick which one to start with. They all look so good!
Good luck guys-enter to WIN!
Giveaway ends on June 17th!
1-Comment/Leave a Reply on this post ONCE and let me know what your favorite thing to do on the weekend is!
Make sure you leave the best email address to reach you at in the Mail: Will not be published/required area. Ok? Only I can see your email address if you put it in that area.
2-One entry per person, international readers welcome. I have to mail this to you, only enter if that’s ok!
I’ll contact the winner on June 18th by email!
My favourite thing is to just hang out with friends on the weekend
My favorite thing to do it work in my garden. I love planting different flowers and making my yard look beautiful.
I love spending time with my daughter! Lately it has been spending time with my daughter and her horses getting ready for show season! Thanks for the giveaway! I’ve been wanting to try these lippies forever!!
My favourite thing is….shopping *_* Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Hi !!! i love going out with my husband and my baby boy to the park or the cinema! and eating with my family! and of course shopping!
thank you for the giveaway! xoxo!
Shop, Shop, SHOP!!! I love to dip into my “Pretty Girl Fund” and treat myself to nice things!
my favorite thing to do on the weekend is hangout with friends, go to the beach, mall. and spend time with the family. alittle bit of everything, haha (:
The weekends are a time to catch up on house chores and find a little time in btwn errands and kid activities to do something for ME, a face mask or lately I look forward to Sunday nites, b/c that is when I point my nails and toes a cute new color for the week!!
my favorite thing to do on the weekends is relax at home or go out with my friends, depending on my mood.
holliister at gmail dot com
My fav thing to do on the weekend is to hang out with friends , go shopping & this may sound weird but i also love watching videos from youtube gurus
Relax n have a mani/pedi!
GFC: salv33n_27
I love to relax on the weekend with my husband, we do this by going to the lake or beach.
I love to hang out with my friends on the weekends
I’m in school away from home so my favorite thing to do on the weekends is to go home and spend time with my family. We always have a great time together!
I love reading the newspaper on Sunday morning while I’m having breakfast…
My favorite thing to do on the weekend is shopping
which I haven’t been able to do in a while just because summer is so busy!
my favorite thing to do on the weekend is go to the beach!
My fav thing to do on the weekend is sleep in, spend time with my boyfriend, and babysit for extra money!
My fav thing to do during the weekend is PARTYING
My weekends are busy just like my weekdays. I spend time with my kids, do cleaning, house shopping, and preparation for Sunday. On Sunday, I family spends the day fellowshipping over dinner with members of church family. It’s great.
Meet Friends, have Fun, Partying!
what else?! ;D
My favorite thing to do on weekends is spend time with my friends. I also like to sleep in late on the weekend since I have to wake up bright and early during the week to go to work!
my favorite thing to do in the weekends is to hang out with me bf. Since he lives 45min. away we hardly get to see each other with work and i love weekends
I love to be outside on the weekends if it is nice, and to hang out with my little puppy
Nice to just get some fresh air and go for walks.
Hello, my favorite thing to do on the weekends is go to the beach, it’s at 1 and a half hours but it’s worth it.
hello! my favorite thing to do on the weekend is spending time with my family && friends
my favorite thing to do on weekends is hang with friends and family!
My favorite thing to do on weekend is sleep in. LOL and do absolutely nothing. :O)
i usually go out on friday nights then stay at a friend’s house after ..
and on sundays i usually find time to have a quality time with my family, we go to park,beach and we watch movies a lot etc.
my favorite thing to do on the weekend is to cook pasta for my cousins, they visit us usually on saturdays and these kids really love pasta ^_^
My favorite weekend activity is going for long rides with the hubby and then going out to lunch or dinner on Saturday. Then going to early morning service on Sunday and spending the rest of the day lounging, cuddling, and watching TV.
My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to write a to-do list and then say, forget it, when a friend calls and wants to hang out….and be okay with it!
Going to the movies is my fav!! just relaxing and letting the movie take me away to another place
I love it to cycling with my friends and pick nicking but just if the weather is good
My favourite thing is to just relax with friends and family
I like to hang out with friends and relax on the weekends
On the weekends I love watching movies and tv.. or hanging out with my boyfriend (:
My favorite thing to do every weekend is hanging with my nieces doing whatever they like.. Brookfield zoo, Lego land, shopping, sleepover , getting a nice treat from jamba Juice ect..
My favorite thing to do on the weekend is lounge around in my pajamas with my husband!
Watching movies is my favorite thing to do on the weekend.
I love to catch up on reality TV and take mid day naps..
My favorite thing is to not have to get up at a certain time! Granted, with a 4 year old, I don’t get to “sleep in”, but considering I’m up by 6:30 most days, being able to sleep until 8 is awesome!
My fave thing to do is sleep….snooze away. Thanks for the giveaway!
my favorite thing to do is go jogging sat. morning with my fiance’ after a nice family breakfast……come back and cuddle up with a good movie with him and my son….make a nice sunday dinner…..take my son out for a little bit to a park or playground and sleep in:)
My favorite thing to do is go to the beach and hang out with friends and family
Heyyy!!! My favorite thing to do on the weekend is snuggle up on the couch with lots of junk food snacks and watch movies!!! =D
six flags(:
My favorite thing to do is relax at home and grill out.
OMG OMG! OMG!! My favorite thing to do on the weekend is Watch YouTube videos that i couldn’t watch during the week!
My favorite thing to do on the weekend is hang out with my husband.. even if we don’t leave the house, i’m happy just to spend time with him. His job keeps him so busy that it seems like I hardly see him during the week.
My favorite thing to do on the weekends is to spend time w/ family & friends!
shopping on saturday and chill at home on sunday
my fav thing is to sit outside my house on the front steps eating a big bowl of ice cream
I love to curl up in bed and read a good book.
Since my fiance lives in Canada and I live in Brazil, when we are together I love to go to his house on the Saturday and spend the afternoon enjoying each other, talking, watching a movie…
my favorite thing to do on the weekends is spend time at the beach
I love to take my son to the park and go swimming on the weekends!
Get the violin a playin’…….
For the past 2 years, I have been a caregiver to my beautiful mother. Due to genetics, she has been stricken with two stroke. One in ’01, she still remained somewhat independent. The second in ’09, that has rendered her to be total care. She cant even speak. But one thing she does still have is her mind. She recognizes all of us, still has a sense of humor, etc. I thank God for that. So, on the weekends I pretty much stay here with my mom. I guess that is what I like to do, spend time with my mother.
SLEEP!!! I have a 2.5 year old that keeps me awake all week so daddy is on duty on the weekends!
I love to be with my friends, and to sleep a lot lol
Heyyy:)!!! THANK YOU so so so very much for this I have been wanting to try LORAC products FOREVERRR and this giveaway ends right before my birthday so this would make an AWESOME bday present:D!!! On weekends I LOVE going shopping with my mommy<3!!! We have the same taste in almost EVERYTHING which makes shopping with her REALLY AMAZING plus added bonus I get to spend more time with my favorite person in the whole world:D!!! my e-mail is THANK YOU SO SO SOOO VERY MUCH:D!!!
I love to sit quietly with my thoughts on the weekends…sounds boring but I love doing that.
I love to spend time with my hubby and kids on the weekend. Shopping, going to the beach and going out to eat are my faves!
I love dining out on the weekends :0)
My favorite thing to do is…SHOPPING!!! lol Thank you Crystal for doing these amazing giveaway!
My favorite thing to do is sleep and read. LMAO
My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to shop and relax!
my favorite thing to do on the weekend is to sleep in and lay in bed while I watch some television
Spending time with my hubby our 2 sons and our newborn baby girl – April 2011
Anything from a stroll around the neighborhood to shopping (although I haven’t done much of that lately :)is my favorite thing to do…
Thanks for the chance to win! Love your channel!!
My favorite thing this weekend is shopping.
On the weekend I love sleeping in late and then shopping,watching tv, or finding new blogs to follow yay!
Obviously shopping
on the weekend i love going out to eat with my family!