Do you hate cleaning your brushes? Me too! But I have a new weapon against dirty hard to clean makeup brushes!
I picked this up at The London Brush Company’s booth at The Makeup Show NYC. I was excited to try this on my hard to clean brushes. Well actually my brushes aren’t hard to clean it just seems to take forever. The directions can’t be simpler. You wet your brush (with water) and then swish it around on the solid soap in the tub. You then can swish your brush in between your fingers and rinse with water and the eyeshadow, foundation, or even concealer comes right out of the brush. The last step is putting the rinsed brushes on a paper towel and letting them dry. It’s as simple as that. I can’t tell you what a time saver this is. I’ve used it several times and I’m amazed. My brushes come out sparkling and clean!
The shampoo is amazingly effective. It gets the makeup that clings to the brush right out. The real test was on my foundation and concealer brushes. Those in my opinion are the hardest brushes to clean especially concealer. The concealers I use are so hard to get out and in the past I have had to wash (with cleaner) my brushes 2 or even 3 times with brush shampoo. My concealer brushes washed cleanly after one pass of this cleaner. It’s good stuff!
I paid $12 for the tub that I got which was discounted and I’m kicking myself already for not getting more. There are a few scents available. I picked up the Lavender and it smells great. Now here is where things get difficult. This isn’t on The London Brush Company’s website. I wrote to them and asked how to get more shampoo. It’s going to be available at The Makeup Show Chicago (booth# 1006) but no details on when we can order this on the website since they are redoing it. The shampoo will retail for $20 a tub and I think its going to last for several months so I’m ok with that. The London Brush Company has Twitter (click here to follow them) and Facebook so I’m going to follow them on both to see when this is going to be available online because I need MORE! I thought about saving this review for later but I wanted to let you know so you can watch out for this or something like it.
Rated A
Hey Crystal, I thought they were coming to IMATS LA in June at least I could have sworn they were on the Exhibitors list a month ago. IF they do come I can pick some up for you if they have it there. It be no problem. :O)
I’d love that. I’m on the wait list for Becca’s Pro Brush soap too so who knows when they’ll be available:( that’s one of the reasons I was so excited to get my hands on one of these!
Hi Crystal.. Siân here from The London Brush Company! Delighted you loved the shampoo. It was such a hit that we completely sold out ALL our stock, which was really incredible. I knew it was a great product but have to admit not anticipating the reaction we had.
Currently we are in production and the new batch will be available soon. Via our website and some retail outlets too. Actually shooting the product tomorrow for the site, so, it’s coming soon enough.. Certainly before your Lavender/Rosemary Shampoo runs out!!
Regarding shows, after much deliberation we have decided to only do The Makeup Shows as they have been so supportive in our growth, hence the Chicago Show on June 17th and 18th. However, with the launch of our new Industry and Retail sites, all professional makeup folk will continue receiving a pro discount of 20% off all online products. We support our makeup community and celebrate their passion in artistry.
My very best wishes.. And Many Thanks for your kind words
Siân Richards
Thank you so much for letting us know, I am enjoying the brush set I purchased also so I can’t thank you enough for all the great products:)
I really don’t mind cleaning my brushes… it’s the drying that drives me nuts. Even cleaning in alcohol vs. water my larger densely packed brushes are still damp the next day. Any good tips for speeding up drying time? I simply do not have enough brushes to have a set “in reserve” and I find myself not cleaning as often as I should just to save from having to do without the next day.
I wish I knew how to speed up drying time!
Hey Crystal, have you tried the Dry’n Shape from Sigma??
It is amazing, i really recomend it!
I’m dying to get this goat milk shampoo… Lets hope someone puts on for sale on ebay.. Its the only way for us who live in Brazil…
Tks for the amazing review!!
No I saw a review on the Dry n Shape but wasn’t sure I needed it. The shampoo is so nice. I do my cleaning more often now that it doesn’t annoy me as much!
Hello Charlotte!!
It sounds to me like you are using synthetic hair brushes??? And if that’s the case, synthetic always takes longer than natural hair to dry. And yes, you will absolutely find them still damp in the morning… If they are not 100% synthetic, then perhaps they are a synthetic, natural hair blend?? Am only guessing as I don’t know which range you use.
When I was testing our Brush Shampoo I did test using my product versus brush cleaner. Brush cleaner usually evaporates in 35mins – still leaves that ghastly smell though
– and the drying time of the same brushes after rinsing out my Brush Shampoo in clean water and pressing out the excess water in paper towel and leaving to dry flat was 40 minutes.
If you would like any more help or advice visit me on Facebook, or post here.. Also, take a look at our range.. Perhaps I can help you expand on yours ..
Best Wishes
Aaaaw Sorry to hear they won’t be at IMATS LA. I didn’t see them at the Makeup Show here in LA in March. Well I’ll just wait for them to restock. How does one get on the waiting list?
Hey T.R
As we are based in LA we find that The Makeup Show LA is not so strong for us… Customers have access to us all year round – same goes for IMATS. We retail out of Nigels Beauty Emporium in Noho, but you can always buy directly to get the best deals…
We are broadening our distribution this year, so will be in a few more doors, but for industry folk, we will have a purely industry website where all the prices will be greatly reduced. Watch us on Facebook for updates on that – and you can follow me on twitter @LondonBrushCo.
Also, we are going to be setting up an application form on our Facebook page, for pros to join our Industry Community. All will be revealed in a couple of weeks.
So glad you love our products! THANKYOU! We LOVE our customers.
Best WIshes
I will definitely be trying to get my hands on this because my hardest brushes to clean (aside from the concealer and powder) is the cream liner brush. That liner seems to stay stuck on there so I’m always forced to use alcohol to get them clean.