Three Reviews: D&G Provocative Blush, Burberry Mascara, and MUFE HD Blush #03









I really am into D&G products. Everything that I have tried has been consistently good. This finely milled pink blush is really good. It’s called Provocative ($44) and I love the name, it fits. I really just love the color (bright pink weakness bought this, not me) and the texture and flush it gives your cheeks is just beautiful. I paired this up with a cream blush mostly but its beautiful on its own. It looks pretty scary in the pan because of its brightness but you need to test it out yourself because that doesn’t equal clown cheeks at all. It looks naturally pretty and dare I say it…happy? Well looking at it makes me happy that’s for sure! I wish they had more shade options because they make a great blush. It’s not Nars but its darn close!

Rated B

Disclosure: I purchased this item myself!









It’s happened. I finally found a high-end mascara that I don’t like. Burberry Midnight Black Lash Enhancer ($28) does not work for me. The packaging (check out the clear tube!) is excellent and so cool. I am always interested in the mascara wand and that seems ok. Nothing super special but nothing that sounds off alarm bells either. I really thought this would go well. It didn’t. I almost wonder if I got a bad tube. This mascara was super dry from the start. You know how sometimes your mascara seems dry and thick near the end of its lifespan? Well this one was like that after a few days! Really thick and hard to work with right from the start practically. Boooo!

I think I got a bad tube because nothing can be this thick/heavy/dry after a few days. I didn’t even take pictures of my eye before and after this mascara because besides not being that impressive I just want to throw this stuff away! I usually keep mascara after reviewing it and use it regardless of the rating because it would be a waste not to get some use out of it. I can’t even bring myself to put up with this. Boooo Burberry! I wish there was a counter near me so I could find out what the deal is. Maybe I got a bad tube? Anyway for now this is something I wouldn’t repurchase.

Rated D

Disclosure: I purchased this item myself!









Make Up For Ever High Definition Blush #03 Truth or Dare ($25) really didn’t work for me either. I had such high hopes for this. I went to the Makeup Show in Chicago and this was at the top of my list of stuff to try. Well things didn’t work out at all. I love hot pink. I love really bright pink lipstick or blush and if you’ve been around for a while you may have seen some bright as hell blush or lipstick on me. And maybe it’s not your thing or maybe it is. I know it’s not for everyone. Well this is TOO BRIGHT. I finally went well beyond my comfort zone. It’s like clown makeup on me!

My first issue was with the pump. It dispenses too much because that little bit you see in the picture above is enough for me and twenty friends. I kid you not. It’s true. This stuff should come out in a dropper somehow. It’s POWERFULLY PIGMENTED. That’s usually a good thing but with a pump its a waste. So if I didn’t like this color and that was the only issue I’d still have a problem with the pump. When I tested this out I just dipped my pinky in it for a second and then spread that little bit on both of my cheeks. Even then a few times I had to tone it down with concealer. Whew. This was more work than it was worth.

Rated C-

Disclosure: I purchased this item myself!

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  1. Gisa says

    That D&G blush is gorgeous! I agree with you on the Makeup Forever blush…Why the pump? They usually always pump out more than you need no matter how lightly you tap it. Great reviews=)

    • says

      It’s such a pretty blush-the D&G one. I really don’t get MUFE’s blush pump, if you have such a pigmented product a big pumpful of product is just a waste!

  2. says

    I got the MUFE blush as a gift and I haven’t tried it because I’m afraid of the pump. At Sephora, when the girl showed me how to use it…she pumped out too much too. So should i just pump it on my hand and then spread out a bit on my cheeks? I’ve never used “liquid” blush before!!

    • says

      Yes I really think a pump is going to be too much even if you got a more sedate color. The first time pump it out on your hand and then use the tip of your finger to dab a little on and blend. I usually love things to be this pigmented but that pump really messes it up. I do hope you got a great color tho! They have some beautiful choices!

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