I love a project. Give me a task that must be completed that I care about and I am all over it. I love my makeup stash like I love cooked food and I have always wanted to devote more space to it and now it’s happening! I got a lot of ideas from Makeup Collection/Storage videos on YouTube. I did a few marathon watching sessions and got some great ideas. I love that everything I figured that I needed I picked up from Ikea. I used to hate Ikea but for a project like this-it’s the place to go!
Wanna see the furniture we picked up? I’ve always wanted a Malm Dressing Table…..
Malm Dressing Table, $149 (Article Number 102.036.10)
Vika Alex Drawer Unit, $79 (Article Number 101.928.24)
Helmer, $39 (Article Number 001.078.74)
We picked up two Alex drawer sets because I have quite a bit of stuff to store. The Helmer is for nail polish storage. I have outgrown my cabinet storage and I have polish in boxes everywhere.
I love Ikea! I got table mirrors and containers for storing cotton ball etc. there also. Gotta love the prices! I mean they can’t be beat.
Tynes, $14.99 (Article Number 101.821.89) & Droppar, $2.99 (Article Number 001.125.40)
I will try to take before and after shots for you so you can see how the room comes together. I’m so excited about this!!!!
Please let me know if you have any storage ideas that have worked for you. I’d love the help! It’s going to take a village to put this room together. Most of the village is my husband actually! He’s going to be doing the hard work. I can’t put furniture together to save my life. It’s comical the pieces I end up putting together myself would blow away in a strong wind. It’s bad.
Happy Saturday everyone! Wish me luck. I may need it!
I love my malm but be careful mine is a little wobbly so I had to pin it in between the wall and those ikea cube storage things and it seems to be fine at the moment. (the instructions for the thing aren’t the best either)
I love the little Alex units I need to work out if I can fit it in somewhere they would be great for storing nail polish.
Can’t wait to see the finished room
Thank you I was wondering about how stable the Malm would be! It’s going against a wall but still.
They do give you stuff to bolt it to the wall but I get bored and move furniture around to often to bolt it anywhere hehe there would be holes everywhere.
I hear ya! I’ve gone back and forth about where to put it 101 times!
Oh wow – I just built a bunch of stuff from Ikea and might I suggest that if you’re building sets of things that you have your husband build the same item with you – it makes everything go way faster. I remember for sure that helmer has these tiny metal flaps you have to keep folding and I don’t remember what the directions tell you to do it with but I used a flathead screwdriver and a pair of pliers to get them where I wanted them – HUGE time saver.
Oh, and good luck!!! Can’t wait to see the new makeup storage video!
Thank you so much for the tips we need all the help we can get! I can’t wait till the whole thing is done:)
I LOVE my malm dressing table. Recently though the glass has been moving around a lot. I might try finding a way to glue it down because it is so annoying and doesnt look great when one side is hanging off the vanity. I wish there was a way to show you the vanity section I created with this dressing table – all the furniture was from ikea also. I’ll instagram one to you now
I love your Instagram pic thank you! I’ll watch out for moving glass!
i actually thought about a malm but got the micke desk instead
wayyy more table space and two big drawers! plus it was like 60 bucks
The Micke collection of pieces are beautiful!
So excited to see how ur makeup room turns out! Jinx and Max will probably want an area of their own in there too
I know you’re on the east coast. Are you in line for the storm? Hope your power stays on until the completion of this project!
Me too I was like if I put all my stuff in this room and a tree hits what a big fail that will be!
I can’t wait to see the finished project. I’ve been thinking lately it’s time to update my makeup room, but that’s something that’s sitting on my to do list waiting to magically get done.
I know how that is! It’s something I’ve been thinking about but didn’t know how I was going to pull it together.
happy happy joy happy happy joy joy *clapping* i’m excited like this is my room lol!!!!
Your the best. Everything is put together I just have to do the makeup transfer. Oy!
Woot!!! *throws glitta* Can’t wait to see it.
I have the Malm or the older version of it in natural wood. And yes it has a wobble factor. Mine sits against a wall too but I do love it. LOL I JUST decided to get the Helmer because this week Brittany of Clumps of Mascara had two of them in a post. I’m getting mine in RED and for my nail polish collection. I have mine all in boxes and containers too I’m going to pick it up tonight or tomorrow. YEAH!!!!
The red helmer looks so nice! I can’t wait to organize everything. I might even get fancy and organize things by color!
You have inspired me! I will redo my stash during the storm…are you ready for it?
I hope I am ready! I hope it passes over us or stays out at sea.
Ohh cant wait to see a video/blog post on the finished room! I’ve been thinking about getting a vanity or something since I don’t have a my place to do my makeup now. I always do it in the car to work(don’t worry my husband is driving! I’m not one of those crazy-do-full-makeup-while-driving kind of person. I see that on the road tho…it’s so trafficky going into DC but stil not safe todo that lady!) and it’s a hot mess whenever we have to break hard trying not to get hit by aggressive drivers lol
Yeah as long as someone else is driving doing your makeup in the car works ok except for short stops and mascara that never works for me:(
I don’t have any tips as I need to organize my (small) stash. I hope you show us the finished product
or even some of the process!
I can’t wait to see the finished project! My collection is slowly growing to where I may need to invest in some additional storage as well:)
I’m so excited for you! I can’t wait to see what you come up with!! My husband & I just moved into our first home and a beauty (& music…for him) room is definitely on our to-do list, I love to organize my makeup & polish almost as much as I enjoy using it!
Congrats on your new home! It’s exciting putting everything together. I am a little crazy when it comes to neatness makeup wise but everything should work out:)
I ended up getting the Micke Desk.. I too love ikea I’ll tag u on Instagram I spent under $100.00 I love my vanity space!!
can’t wait for the before & after! good luck! & your husband sounds (from the posts that you mention him) like an awesome guy!