I was so honored to be named in the beautiful Miss Deena Diva’s top ten Bloggers. I loved what she wrote and we follow a lot of the same blogs. I also got some new ones from her list which is great! If you’d like to check out her list its here.
Which blogs do you follow? I follow so many that it’s ridiculous. I can’t help it though I always feel like I’m going to miss something. But then again I’m the kid that couldn’t go to sleep because I was afraid I would miss something going on outside my crib:) That’s what my parents said anyway….
So I thought I’d tell you about and provide links to some of the blogs that I follow in case your interested. Please feel free to comment below and let me know what your favorite blogs are so that I can check them out. I enjoy finding new blogs!
Makeup and Beauty Blog- This is such a fun site, Karen is really funny. She dressed up as Wonder Woman when the Mac collection came out a few months ago. Need I say more? She is committed to beauty.
Temptalia- This girls collection is the stuff of dreams. She has everything, reviews everything, and makes me want everything.
Musings of a Muse- I love the Muse…she really has a great take on beauty and she covers lots of products that aren’t available here in the states with gusto!
AllGlam- If you want to see the high-end collections months before they come out you need this site. The first pictures/swatches of everything good are on this site waaaay before everyone else. I really need this info because it helps me plan my beauty budget. Right now this site is getting a make over, I’m hoping it will be done soon! Fall beauty is coming to stores soon.
The Beauty Look Book- If I had all the money in the world I’d buy what this girl does. It’s all high-end and Mac is as low-end as she goes. I admire her devotion to Chanel, Dior, Le Metier De Beaute, and other amazing high-end brands. And her handbag collection wowza!
Clumps of Mascara- I love Clumps! She’s a mascara expert and besides all kinds of beauty reviews she has a healthy respect for yummy food. I love her food posts. And the giveaways are GOOD! She is such a wonderful blogger-she lets me guest post on her site and she’s a huge inspiration. She’s celebrating 4 years of blogging this month, congrats!
Nouveau Cheap- I love a deal, and this is where I find the best ones! This drugstore diva has the best info on how to get the best for less. I really depend on this site for my CVS shopping along with I heart CVS. I love getting the CVS circular for my favorite drugstore spot ahead of time.
I love quite a few nail blogs! I absolutely drool over a few of them. Please check them out too:
Please let me know your favorites!
OMG! Thank you so much Crystal for doing this tag, and now I have even more blogs to follow!!! You rock!
Thank YOU! It was really nice of you to mention me and I get so excited finding new blogs!
Wow, thank you SO much for kind words!! I’m so honored that you read my blog and enjoy it. So happy to be able to help! *hugs* G. xo
I really enjoy your blog, I think you do an amazing job. And you make things fun! Thanks so much for all you do:)
Thanks for the Blogroll, i’m a Youtube follower, would love to have you list my blog in your next Blogroll, i’m having a menu made and will have your blog listed under my “Beauty Blogs” once it’s completed… can’t wait!
Thank you, I just took a look at your site!