I’m making my way through pricing and taking pictures of the stuff that’s going to be up for sale tomorrow (at 6 PM eastern time) and I thought I’d give you guys an update. This sale isn’t as huge as my first one but lovers of Mac and high-end products (YSL, Dolce & Gabbana, & Nars) at a discount should be happy with the selection of items up for grabs.
The highest price on anything is $20 but that’s for a brand new Chanel lipstick or a brand new Nars (6 shade) Palette. The Mac lipsticks are $7 like my last blog sale and the drugstore lipsticks are $3 each. I hope giving you guys that information helps you figure out if you are interested in checking this out or not.
Regardless I hope your having a great weekend so far! I better get back to work taking pictures:)
*Email me after the blog sale starts at crystalis007@gmail.com with your list AND email info so I can bill you though Paypal.
*I hate to say this but please Google and look at swatches of anything you are interested in before you send your list in. Last time people sent me questions alongside each item they were interested in for example: “will this blush look good on me I’m an NC40 in Mac?” It’s hard for me to answer questions like that and keep up w/things.
*This blog is sale for US buyers only!
*Paying within 24 hrs of my emailed invoice is essential. If you change your mind after the invoice is sent just let me know! I would appreciate it if I can get the items you wanted into the hands of another interested makeup lover you know?
hi ms crystal.. super excited for ur sale.. cant wait.. by the way a huge fan or ur videos and blog.. luv ur taste and natural beauty..