Break From Beauty: Heavy D Will Be Missed

I associate so many of Heavy D’s songs with different times in my much younger life. I always loved his music because it was funny and didn’t have a disrespectful slant to it at all. In fact most of his music praised women. I remember the first time I heard Black Coffee. I felt like he was talking about me!

But my favorite song and video ever was Jam. Michael Jackson with a little bit of Heavy D and Michael Jordan trying to dance! This was and still is one of my favorite songs to listen to (extended version) on full blast in the car and while vacuuming the house.

I will never forget the wonderful music from Heavy D and the great memories. Here’s the video for Jam if you haven’t seen it.

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  1. Lavendar says

    Nice tribute message. No one will ever “Bum Diddly Diddly Diddly Dee” like Heavy. I saw him at one of the best concerts I’ve ever experienced. His passing is truly heartbreaking.

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