Bright Lipsticks & Glosses Ya Need!

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  1. Marie` says

    Good Morning! I am one of your “silent” followers…Wanted to leave you a note to say this is a great video (along with all your videos really)!! As well, wanted to say Thank you for all the great work you do…you are a staple in my home, I watch your video’s before going to bed and early in the AM. After a stressful day at work, your voice, jokes and laugh make my day!! Plus bonus, we have the same complexion, similar hair (mine is lighter) so if I like something on you, I can pretty much get it for myself!! You make my makeup addiction legitimate!! Have a wonderful Sunday, and again THANK YOU :-) PS: Maybe one day I will get the courage to do a video for my friends!! hihihi

    • says

      Thank you so much for watching the videos! I really appreciate what you said. I enjoy watching videos myself during the same times you do and its so much fun to just sit back and forget everything else and have fun watching people that really become like friends to me. Again thanks for watching.

  2. Joanna says

    Out of all your swatches I am happy to say I owned the Revlon Adorned l/g (definitely one of my favourite glosses to own).

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