Blog Posts You Might Want to See!


Here are some great posts that came out this week! Check them out! Ariel Hope: Review Bare Minerals “7 Ways To Bare” Makeup and Beauty Blog: The Yves Saint Laurent Saharienne Heat Summer 2013 Collection Musings of a Muse: Flower Beauty Lip Service Lip Butter Review & Swatches Scrangie: Rescue Beauty Lounge Emoting Me Collection [...]

Sephora Chic Week 15% Off & Bobbi Brown 20% Off!


Don’t forget its Chic Week for Beauty Insiders! From 4/11-4/22 you can get 15% off. You might have gotten a mailer about the sale but even if you didn’t shop online and use the code CHICWEEK for the savings at I placed my order on the first day:) I have issues… Bobbi Brown’s Friends [...]