Favorite Posts: Lip Gloss & Lipstick

lipgloss or lipstick

Just in case your new to the blog or missed the original posts I thought I’d show you some of my favorite Glosses & Lipsticks! Please click on the names of any of the colors you’d like to see the post for. Here we go! Lipsticks Dolce & Gabbana Passion Duo Satin #100 Chanel Rouge [...]

Some Blog Posts That Have Me Dreaming….


Dreaming about more makeup/nail polish purchases that is! Here are some blog posts that I have been gazing at lustfully. Makeup and Beauty Blog- Zoya Beach & Surf Collection Cafe Makeup- Organizing Makeup:Labels Temptalia- Mac Hey, Sailor! Collection for Summer 2012 Musings of A Muse- Lancome Pink Safari Collection Summer 2012 The Beauty Look Book- [...]

IMATS NYC 2012 (April 14th & 15th)


This year I’m going to IMATS NYC. I had so much fun last year and I can’t wait to check out all the vendors and get my shop on! I got some great stuff last year and I met so many YouTube subscribers and did a post on it with our pictures, if you’d like [...]