Blog Sale Update


I’m making my way through pricing and taking pictures of the stuff that’s going to be up for sale tomorrow (at 6 PM eastern time) and I thought I’d give you guys an update. This sale isn’t as huge as my first one but lovers of Mac and high-end products (YSL, Dolce & Gabbana, & [...]

Guess Who’s Having A Blog Sale?

I went through my stash and got out some gently used goodies together for a sale. I really have heard from so many of you that had fun with the sale last time and as sappy as it sounds I love to share my hoard. LOL. So for those who are planners like myself here [...]

Break From Beauty: My Favorite Commercial

This commercial makes me laugh every time I see it. I just love everything about it. This a great song and how can you resist the dancing…or attempt at dancing that is! Check it out it’s really short, about 30 seconds!