Where have I been lately? Just in case you were wondering I’ve been in the lab. Haha no seriously I’ve been testing out so many do it yourself beauty treatments and I’ve discovered some things that are blowing my mind. It all started with some serious curiosity on my part. Are there things that are good for my skin, hair, and nails that I can whip up at home? Do they work as well as the things that I buy? Let’s just see….
So I’ll be doing some videos on YouTube (I always post those here!) and some blog posts if you like on some things you can mix up right in your own kitchen to make you a little more beautiful for way less than the things you can get at the store. I am so excited about sharing my favorite finds with you. Part of the reason is that at this time of year money is TIGHT. So I love the idea of finding inexpensive ways to do the things I want to do for less right about now. If you feel like the holidays are closing in on you- just know that you are not alone.
First up here’s an easy one. I love false lashes…but my poor real lashes suffer no matter how careful I am during removal.
I actually would be happy using mascara to enhance my lashes 95% of the time so how can I pump up what I have naturally? Castor oil or petroleum jelly. I’ve been using either cold pressed castor oil (it cost $4!) or Vaseline on my lashes each night for a week and a half and my lashes are already looking twice as good as before I started. My bottom lashes are looking amazing. They are in super growth mode. I might have to put mascara on those babies from now on, before they were so stubby it was wasted effort I felt to use mascara on them.
I can’t figure out which product I like better. The castor oil is a little messier-I spread it on with a q-tip at the base of my lashes and lightly coat my upper and lower lashes in between my fingers. I got a little in my eye and no stinging or anything but now I’m way more careful. Don’t over saturate your q-tip or an even better idea is using an old mascara wand! With Vaseline its much easier because that stays put. I think the main thing working for me is the moisture… After all my lashes usually don’t have an opportunity to get so moisturized and they are reacting so positively to the exposure. It’s amazing. Try this if you can and as always if you have any lash growth tips I’d love to hear them!
I hope you are as excited as I am. I love the idea of getting beauty help right from my pantry!
Hey….I was wondering what happened to you
Thanks for the tip. I’m gonna try the Vaseline to see how it works for me.
I’m hoping it makes your lashes grow girl! Have a great week!
You can also apply the castor oil with a disposable or old (clean) mascara wand. That way it’s not so messy
That’s such a great idea, this time of year is really expensive (mostly because I’m going a little bit holiday makeup crazy) but I can’t wait to see what tips you have for us!
I just threw out some Vaseline because I never use it but I’ve got to give it a try on my lashes and see if it works for me too.
Thanks for sharing!
Beth x
I really hope it works on your lashes. I’m loving mine lately!!
I already do the castor oil one and I like it a lot. I don’t notice the growth that much with just bare lashes, but when I apply my mascara, wow! I have recently had people ask what I am doing to them, it is that dramatic. So, to others, you may not see the difference on bare lashes; you may notice it when you actually go to put on the mascara!