I Love Your Comments…

I really enjoy hearing from you and reading your comments. So do others! Do you quickly scan the comments on blogs and YouTube videos? Sometimes I do. I personally enjoy hearing what you have to say and I’ve gotten to know so many of you. It starts out with getting to know your likes and dislikes and it goes from there! Sometimes we are so alike or so opposite but what makes it all fun is we learn from each other. I think it’s important to recognize that there is just as much that you can teach me as I can pass on to you. I’ve learned so much from you guys and I really appreciate you coming back!

I got a comment on an old post today that made me tear up it was so funny. You guys are the best!

Here are some other ways we can stay in touch:

Twitter: @crystalcam

Instagram: crystalis007 (I love taking pictures of beauty items as I see them while I’m out!)

Facebook: crystalis007.com (I put up one post maximum a day on FB I won’t overshare!)

YouTube Beauty Channel: crystalis007 or YouTube Vlog Channel: crystalthevlog

Don’t forget that Google Reader is going away on July 1st so follow me on Bloglovin if you like!

It also makes sense for some to sign up for email updates (on the right side above my Facebook friends) or the RSS feed. Do whatever your comfortable with.

Have a great weekend!

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  1. TraciB says

    How’s this for a comment: You ROCK! I don’t know how you do all that you do but I am absolutely thrilled that I found you on this here Internet! You have helped me save time and money, two things I wish I had more of. P.S. I absolutely LOVE your videos with your mom. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Dolores Mitchell says

    I can’t give you a thumbs up or a comment on your videos. It doesn’t give me the option sucks cause I love your videos!!!

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