Love your haul videos! I love the Mac Just a Bite, it looks like the perfect winter deep red, gottaa pick that up. Are you gonna review thenew Sephora Give Me More Lip set? Cause the set looks amazing.
No I don’t think I’m picking the Give Me More Lip set up. I picked up a few other things from Sephora online that should be coming tomorrow that I am excited about!
I picked up the MAC Just A Bite and Utterly Tart because of you. OMG! I have a feeling I’m going to be setting aside my go to Ruby and now Riri Woo this fall/winter for this combo. To me it’s the PERFECT deep red lip! Thanks for your reviews/hauls
Love your haul videos! I love the Mac Just a Bite, it looks like the perfect winter deep red, gottaa pick that up. Are you gonna review thenew Sephora Give Me More Lip set? Cause the set looks amazing.
No I don’t think I’m picking the Give Me More Lip set up. I picked up a few other things from Sephora online that should be coming tomorrow that I am excited about!
I picked up the MAC Just A Bite and Utterly Tart because of you. OMG! I have a feeling I’m going to be setting aside my go to Ruby and now Riri Woo this fall/winter for this combo. To me it’s the PERFECT deep red lip! Thanks for your reviews/hauls
Thanks for watching!!