$29.50 each
In the heat of summer these are going to feel good! Mac is re-releasing a very popular powder that feels great. If you are a die-hard Mac fan you might remember the fascination with these cool liquid powders back in September of 2010 when they were included into the Disney Venomous Villains Collection. Well they are back….
This powder is seriously infused with water and just like the name feels cool and refreshing when applied. I loved trying this out last year but I didn’t buy it. Well this time things are going to be different!
There are three color choices. One that’s silvery pink, bronze gold, and rose. I can’t wait to get my hands on the deepest shade Cajun cause I’m all about GOLD:) These are going to be released on May 5th. They are going to be permanent so there’s plenty of time to check them all out and see if one of these might be right for you.
Will you be looking out for more details on these Mac powders?!
Can these be uses as foundations? Or are they like shimmering. It sounds like a really interesting product
From what I read yes with very light coverage. I want to try this because it’s over 50% water and it has light defusing properties. I think it will have a nice glowy effect. That’s what I am hoping anyway:)
Wow I can’t even imagine how this product was made. But it definitely is something special. Let us know if you end up getting it and how you like it!
I will!
I got the one from the Venomous Vilains collection and loved it! It’s a bit too dark for my complexion and has no shimmer (which i love) but i love how it feels when you apply it so i bought it.
I tried these yesterday at my local MAC ocunter and i so wanted to give into the gold and the shimmery rose. Unfortunately they were already sold out and couldn’t get a hold of them.
Please do tell how you feel aout it onc eyou get yours
I am going to try it out at my Mac counter and see if it’s worth it. I’ll let you know:)