I’ve been wanting to try a Deborah Lippmann nail polish for a while. I looked at many of the colors and decided to start with this beautiful fuchsia creme one. Wow what a color! Pretty huh? I love it.
These polishes are not cheap, at $16 for .50 oz I was a little dumbstruck. I really like the color though. It’s a nice treat, I love quite a few of the shades that I saw in Neiman Marcus. These polishes vary from $16-20 bucks so I suggest you pick one that you are going to love. I used two coats of Between the Sheets and one coat of Seche Vite.
Have you purchased a Deborah Lippmann nail polish? Do tell!
Can’t handle that price, but the color is beautiful…
Wowser …. Pretty color and a hefty price tag….
I love Deborah Lippmann polishes as the quality is amazing. Do try her Addicted to Speed Top coat that seals your nail polish so well – even her glittery ones.
My favourite colour is Hit Me With Your Best Shot which is a steel gray shimmer. It’s gorgeous.
I love the polishes I’ve tried so far. I haven’t tried the Addicted to Speed Topcoat yet. I have to get that!