This Just In: Chanel Illusion D’Ombres & Mac Blogger Collection

chanel illusion d'ombre

Chanel’s Fall Collection is out. I just got two things so far. The new long wearing eyeshadows, Illusion D’Ombre. I picked out the shades I wanted to try most. I got #83 Illusoire (purple) and #84 Epatant (silvery khaki) and I’ll let you know what I think after I test them out. Mac’s Blogger Collection [...]

Tarte True Blood Collection-Shut The Front Door…

tarte true blood

                        I’ve watched every episode and I’ve read all the books…now there is MAKEUP to go along with one of my favorite shows?! Tarte has a new Limited Edition True Blood collection. Sephora just emailed about it to their Beauty Insiders today and I [...]

Palette of the Day: Chanel Tentation Cuivree Quad

chanel tentation cuivree

This is from the last holiday collection and I remember being so excited in the store when I swatched this quad. It’s the only eye quad that I have from Chanel because frankly I really need some serious pigmentation for one of these palettes to be worth it to me and thank goodness this fits [...]

Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liners

benefit shadows

I lovvvve Mac Paint Pots. I have just a few that I depend on heavily (Constructivist, Dangerous Cuvee, Indianwood, and Blackground) so when I saw a really good blog post on Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liners, I had to go to Sephora to check them out. I had quite the swatch fest going in the store [...]

Congrats Lorac Lip Gloss Winner

lorac tie dye for lip gloss

                Congrats to Mignon! She won the TGIF Giveaway for five pretty Lorac Lip Glosses! Are you entered in all the open giveaways? Click on the giveaways tab at the top of the site. This Friday’s TGIF Giveaway is going to be the Sleek Avoir La Peche Palette:)