Finding a good liquid eye liner has become a passion of mine. I’ve used several and I haven’t really found the right one for me. I was really hoping that Revlon would be the ONE. It’s a good liquid liner but my search will continue.
There are a few things that are great about this eye liner pen. The tip does produce a tight or precise line. The color (#2 Black) continuously flows from the pen. It’s not spotty or anything thank goodness. And it is just the right size to handle easily with your hand. All good qualities.
My problem with it was that getting the look I wanted took forever. I had to draw over and over (it was like painting) to get one eye finished and then the other. I really had to work at this day after day. I was not pleased and truth be told I’m lazy. I really don’t like taking that much time. Who wants to do that every morning? Anyway maybe I’m just being a baby. It’s a good liner but I wouldn’t repurchase. It’s about $9 at the drugstore which is another reason I wanted to love it.
My search continues….let me know if there is a liquid eye liner that you love:)
Rated C
Disclosure: I purchased this item myself!
My favorite eye liner is the Catharine Hill eye liner.
I don’know if you have that brand in USA, but if you don’t, I can send it to you
I’ve never heard of it. I have to check out that site!
at first try I did not love this revlon colorstay eyeliner. I thought it was too dry however the longer I used it the better it was…the liner glided better. Swiped it on your hands a few times then your eye lid.
I’ll try that, I don’t want to waste it. I felt it was too dry too. Thanks for the tip!
Hi Crys! Have you tried the Physicians Formula Liquid Liner? It’s the bomb! I love that one and the Lancome Art Liners.
No I haven’t tried the Physicians Formula liner. I have to check that out. I have the Lancome Art Liner, its ok. I have to shake mine up a lot to get the color to come out. I’m not sure since this is my first one if thats normal or maybe I got a bad one?