Since you guys really were excited about the Sleek Palettes that I had on my blog sale I thought I’d put one up for grabs in a giveaway!
Giveaway ends on July 8th!
1-The winner will be a Facebook friend or Google Friend so Like Us on Facebook if you haven’t already-you can do that on the right side of this website. We are on Facebook as
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2-Comment/Leave a Reply on this post ONCE and let me know how often you use eyeshadow?
Make sure you leave the best email address to reach you at in the Mail: Will not be published/required area. Ok? Only I can see your email address if you put it in that area.
3-One entry per person, international readers welcome. I have to mail this to you, only enter if that’s ok!
I’ll contact the winner on July 9th by email or Facebook privately!
I use eyeshadow pretty much everyday. Even if it just one color all over my lid (which I’ve been doing a lot of lately). Unless I’m just bumming it around the house. Even then I get in the mood to “play” so I’ll mess around with some colors or try to re-create a look that I’ve seen on YouTube.
I use eyeshadow nearly everyday. Either one colour as an all-over, or multiple colours for going out. This palette is sooooo stunningly beautiful!
I wear eyeshadow about 6 days a week. If I am going out on Sunday then I usually just wear one color all over my lid.
I use a Revlon single shadow called “Nude Slip” everyday…It gives me a subtle sparkle that is really pretty! Thanks for holding such a awesome giveaway!
i use eyeshadow, almost everyday when i go out and go to work i usually use nude colors when i go to work, and vibrant ones when i go out and have fun ^_^
i use eyeshadow all the time .. i can’t go out without any color in my eyes
HI Crystal so generous of you for this giveaway ,about eyeshadows I use every day and I like to spend my 10 minutes working on it ,never one color all over .
EVERYDAY! Even if I am just running to the store i have to have something on my eyes! They way I look at it, I am a single girl so looking my best at any given time is a must! You never know when you are going to meet Mr. Right,,,RIGHT????
RIGHT!!!! Or an ex-you want to look good for that too!
I wear eyeshadow everyday. Just not the bold bright colors. I would wear those colors once in a while. Depends on what I’m wearing. To match it up.
I use eyeshadow daily.Even when I am just bumming around the house,its so bad that even my little one expects my eyeshadow to be on before I even make breakfast. I love palettes.
Almost everyday
i use shadows every time i go out from home
i love to have some colors because i always go with natural
this will be a great chance to try colors
and i would love to try the sleek Palette
HI! To be honest, i use eyeshadow about 1-3 days a week!…lol I like to collect makeup, and…..yeah! about 1-3 days a week.
I haven’t been using a lot of eyeshadow lately because I’m always in a hurry. I think like maybe once a month… But I’d love to start using it more often again!
I use eyeshadow every time that I apply makeup…which is 5 days a week usually. I love bright colors mostly.
I use eyeshadow every other day, if not everyday. Mostly neutral colors during the week and on the weekends I get a bit more adventurous!
I use eye shadow almost everyday. I was I beginner so I try to experiments with colors
I use eyeshadow almost every single day!
I use eyeshadow almost everyday. 6 outbid seven days a weeks. There’s always that one day I’m a bit lazy and can’t be bothered to put on any, but I usually always put a nice nutereal shade all over my lid.
I use eyeshadow almost everyday of the week. I’d say an average of about 5-7 days a week because I do get lazy sometimes and don’t feel like going through the hassle of putting it on and blending forever! LOL
About 5-6 days a week. Which is pretty much every day I go out. On my days off from work when I don’t leave the house I tend to skip out, mostly because I’m sleeping haha
I use eyeshadow everyday, sometimes I’ll do an eye look with lots of color if I have time and sometimes I’ll put on a light tan color and use black eyeshadow as my eyeliner for a fast easy look. But I use eyeshadow everyday because I love the way my eyes look with eyeshadow on.
i only use eyeshadow when i’m going out somewhere.. not for everyday.
Maybe twice a week
I use eyeshadow every single day, even on week-ends, I feel better if I have my makeup on and since I don’t have many cream eyeshadows I always use the powder ones with a good base like urban decay primer potion.
I use eyeshadow all the time
Whenever I go to school I use it
I use eyeshadow several times a week. :O)
I use eyeshadow every other day. Some days I feel that eyeliner and mascara are just fine when running a quick errand.
I use eyeshadow, not everyday, maybe every other day, although I have been known to just sit at home and play with all the pretty colors just for the heck of it.
I use eyeshadow everyday…whether it’s more neutral for work or nice primary for those nights out. This giveaway palette is great for a great lounge-like nights….brunch maybe. Thanks.
I used eye shadows every other day depending on where I’ going or what I’m doing. Sometimes, I do not wear any if I am just at home.
I use eye shadow everyday.
GFC: sandragrose
Thanks! I would LOVE this palette!
3-4 times a week
I use eyeshadow maybe 2-3 times a week. I used to wear it never!
I use eyeshadow everyday.
I use eyeshadow every weekend because we are not allowed to wear make up to school but I would love to wear neutral eyeshadow every day
I use eyeshadows pretty much when every I’m putting on a full face of making and going out, though that’s not everyday lol
im still getting the hang of using eyeshadows, so i only use them during events and when im out with friends =)
im a GFC follower, name is Jel
punkme15 at gmail dot com
OMG! I have been dying to try one of the sleek palettes. I SO hope I win! I use eyeshadow almost everyday. Basically, if I’m leaving the house I’m going to put something on. It may not be a full eye, but there will be something. If I’m in the house then… well… you know. Unless I feel like experimenting with new looks!
I liked your site on Facebook!
i use eyeshadow everyday !
I use eyeshadow every time I go out… and even at home, sometimes, when I just play with makeup …
I use eyeshadow every few days…but I love collecting so much!
I use eyeshadows everyday. From light to dark colors
I use eyeshadows about 3-5 times a week…since i dont really go out that much!!!! But im pretty sure if i win this … I will wear it everyday… I REALLY LOVE THE COLORS!!!!!
I use eyeshadow pretty much everyday! If it is sunny i get fun and creative, it is winter and cold i go for more neutrals. I usually take a day off on sundays, give my little eyelids a break
i use eyeshadows 5/6 days per weeks. 5 workdays is a must then maybe on saturday and rest on sunday
I use eyeshadows once or twice a week.
I love eyshadow and wear it everyday(nude’s in the week for work, and colour on the weekend. I love to see the Sleek palettes, they are so vibrant and reming me of myself…especially this one because I love orange and coral colours on my skintone, and living on an island this palette is absolutely perfect…i sooo hope i win :)Thanks Crystal
Everyday!! no more too say
I use eyeshadow every single time I do my make up, which is almost daily. I love how many different looks I can create with just a few colors. I see my face as my own canvas and using eyeshadow just makes everything so much more beautiful :). I use “Tempting” from MAC a lot in my crease!
EVERY day . Unless im not leaving the house but even sometimes when i’m just staying home i’ll put eyeshadow and eyeliner on.
almost every day!
i love make up!
I use eyeshadow everyday and if I don’t use eyeshadow, I at least you a paint pot or something to have some color to my lids
This palette looks amazing, and I totally see myself wearing for eyes and cheeks:)
I wear eyeshadows EVERYDAY!!! I love makeup and dont leave home without any EVER!!
Almost daily, when I am out and about or for a special occasion:)
I wear eyeshadow almost every day.Thanks for the giveaway.
I’m a fan /friend on FB & GFC. I use eyeshadow every day. It’s my favorite makeup item!
I probably use eyeshadows every couple of days. I have to work out a better way to get my make up on in less than 45 mins.
I use at least one eyeshadow every day.. even if it’s just one color to blank out my whole lid when I just wea eyeliner : )
I use eyeshadow @ least 4/5 times a week
I use eyeshadow every day, unless I’m in a rush (which is often happenning) and don’t have time
though I love eyeshadows <3
I attempt to be prepared at all times. I get dressed daily, fix my hair and apply something to my eyes and lips. Even if it is a single color. I make that into my routine I dont like to sit around in P.J’s all day unless Im sick and that is not often. Children mirror there parents and I try to teach good habits.
i actually don’t use eyeshadow very much, except at night because i get crazy creasing after several hours. but these colors look so nice!