3 Pretty New Milani Brilliant Shine Lip Glosses You Should See!


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I am crazy about lip gloss. I like longer lasting lip gloss and these new ones from Milani fit the bill. They are on the thicker side which directly translates into longer lasting lip gloss in my opinion. I like thinner formulas also but I am not a fan of touching up constantly so the fact that I only need to do a little maintenance after drinking a lot or eating a serious throw down lunch makes me happy. I can go four hours with one of these on my lips!

I thought I’d show you three of the shades I’ve been testing out. These glosses have no smell or taste in case you were wondering. I have three more to show you but I thought I’d show you Mai Tai #2, Rose Blush #8, and Black Cherry #14 first! All three glosses are such beautiful shades. There are 14 different colors in all so there is something for everyone!

First up Mai Tai #2. Forget Radiant Orchid THIS is the color of Spring for me!



Next up Rose Blush #8. This is a pretty color thats perfect for daily wear. I love the shimmer in these glosses its not gritty.



And last but not least for the divas out there….Black Cherry #14. This one is fierce!



Check these out at your local drugstore. They have a nice doe foot applicator and like I said earlier stay put for the most part for hours. These pretty glosses are around $6 each and really shiny sexy lip goodness!

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  1. cca says

    I fell hard for Mai Tai, i agree that is my spring/summer color too. I went on a lip stick search for shades of orange

  2. says

    OMG! I don’t have enough days to wear all the nice lipgloss out this spring! I’m going to have to change gloss every 4 hours! LOL. Mai Tai does look very nice.

  3. says

    I picked up Mai Tai, the purple one and the mauve one. I want go back for the nude one (first one in the pic) and maybe Black Cherry *shifty eyes*. Milaini is doing the damn thing with these new products.

  4. Barbette says

    I like these glosses but I don’t think I’ll be wearing them in the office anymore. Because they are so shinny I felt a little self conscious wearing them in the office. LOL

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