Be Back To Posting Tomorrow!

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday or today but I’ll be back tomorrow!

My brother was admitted to the hospital but I’m hoping that he will be getting better. He looked better today so I’m thinking positive thoughts. Hopefully he will get stronger each day from here on out.

Thank you all so much for commenting and taking a look at posts and videos. I really love you guys and have so much fun talking about makeup with you!

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  1. says

    I hope your brother gets to feel better soon and you are able to take a breather and relax. Prayers for both of you and your families.



  2. Hana says

    Hi Crystal! I’m so sorry to hear that your brother is feeling unwell. I will keep him in my prayers and hope he has a speedy recovery. All the best and take all the time you need off! I will just have to re-drool on your older posts :P

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