Its that time again….after the makeup room remodel I put aside some high end stuff to sell that needs a new home! Next Sunday there will be a blog sale starting at 6pm EST. Thanks to everyone that participates in each sale! I love that so many of you come back again and again. I really love that some of you send me pictures of you wearing your new goodies and also show me when you hit pan (hey sharon!!) on items that you just loved using.
Things usually go pretty fast so if your new to the sale I’ll put the directions or rules below so you can read up now and be ready to order by email. Often times I get 40 emails in the first five minutes so you have to be fast! The good stuff goes fast. I have some limited edition Mac and Nars stuff as well as other high end brands to pass on so I hope you’ll see something that you like!
Here are those rules:
Please note that I do not have time due to the volume of requests to answer questions like: I’m an NW40 in Mac how will this look on my skin tone or this is a pretty lipstick why are you selling it? I go in order of emails (first come, first served) so what always happens is someone snaps up what you want before I get to your email reply with your decision. Use Google to research!
I ship everything in new packaging w/bubblewrap and everything is in great condition. I am a little obsessive about keeping my makeup neat and I leave makeup sanitizing to the buyer. That way whatever you prefer (alcohol/beauty so clean spray etc.) is used on your product.
Check out the “rules/guidelines for purchasing below” in case its your first time!
Here’s how to tell the condition of the item listed for sale below:
(B)- The item is brand new-never swatched.
(S)- The item has just been swatched – I never dipped a brush or anything else in the product.
(G)- Gently used item. I used the product a few times. If I’m selling it I used it less than 5 or 6 times most likely.
All of these items were purchased by me.
Send me an email at with a list of items you want and your PayPal email address so I can invoice you. I’ll send you a PayPal invoice for the items still available on your list and you have 24 hrs to pay the invoice. If you pass on paying the invoice then the item goes up for grabs again.
I will only ship to the address on your Paypal account to qualify for Paypal protection but I also include delivery confirmation for each order as a part of the shipping costs/fees.
Buyers from the US & Canada only please!
SHIPPING is $3 per order and .50 cents per additional item.
I’m going to update status of the sale items using these terms:
SOLD-Item has been paid for by the buyer
PENDING-Item has been invoiced and within 24 hrs must be paid for or item goes back up for sale
I love how you update me on whats going on with your purchases! That pic of your empty Becca powder & concealer pans made my day!
Yay! I can’t wait!
Does Puerto Rico count? I’d like to check out the sale
No sorry!
Why do you accept subscribers and followers worldwide but u don’t offer blog sales worldwide
Why do I accept subscribers and followers worldwide? Because I appreciate any support from any beauty lover no matter where they live. I do so many international giveaways that I spent $400 in shipping last year getting prize winners the items they won in giveaways. Ever sent prizes to Russia, Saudi Arabia, Africa, Australia, or Sri Lanka? It costs $25-$30 to send most of the international prizes unless they are going to Canada. International shipping is something that just doesn’t work out blog sale wise because I’ve tried it a number of times with my first few sales. I’ve had people refuse to pay the correct shipping amount because it ended up being $20 in shipping for their country. Thats after the blog sale is over. It’s happened over 10 times and some insisted that I pay the shipping difference or else they wanted to cancel their order. I’ve also had another 7 orders that the recipient claimed never reached them because for some countries you cant get the proper tracking verification. In good faith I returned their money because it’s the right thing to do but it doesn’t do me any good to return over $200 for products that I’m not positive didn’t make it to the owner.
Sometimes when someone does something they have a really good reason. I really take offense to your comment because I don’t know anyone that spends as much each year on giveaways/shipping as I do in appreciation to the people that are kind enough to stop by. So I accept anyone that comes by gladly but I’m unable to lose money for no reason at all. Because guess what money I use to purchase items for blog giveaways? BLOG SALE MONEY.
Thanks for the great sale! & including Canada ^_^