Thanks so much to everyone for participating in yesterday’s blog sale. There is still some stuff left and you can check it out in the post below.
If you didn’t get anything I am so sorry. But I went through my stuff and I’ve got lots of eyeshadow palettes (6 Urban Decay and 3 Sleek palettes just to name a few) that I am going to part with among other things on Thursday at 8pm eastern standard time. This is going to be for U.S. buyers only this time around.
The directions on how to put in your request for an item by emailing me will be the same.
Thanks everyone! I love how organized my collection is looking now. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you helping me restore some order to my stash.
You had some great things that went to quickly. I can’t wait for your next sale. If you don’t mind me suggesting, please let us know the day and time the sale is going up (like Hautelook). That way, people will be next to a computer to shop
I can’t wait for my products!
Thats a good idea, I will give much more notice. And I wont wait much longer before I do it again so its not so much stuff! Enjoy your stuff!
It’s always good to have plenty to choose from. I can’t wait to see what’s up for sale next!
I saw your tweet about 2 mins ago, and hurried to your blog, and then i was like where is the stuff at? and i read it, and it said THURSDAY!!!….LMAO i was ready to go! YEAHHH!! I AM SOOOOOOO READY FOR THE NEXT ONE GIRL! I AM SOOO EXCITED!!!!!
Thank you girl, sorry for the false alarm!
why its not international
i got killed on shipping today at the post office on some of the international orders. some countries are really expensive to ship to.
please we really love your stuff
Your order in particular was an issue. My fees for international shipping were $5 plus $1 each additional item. So for your order I should have gotten $6 for shipping. You didn’t say anything about being international so I charged you $3.50 shipping on your invoice.
It cost $6.50 to mail your order out to you. I just don’t want to loose money when I’ve already heavily discounted stuff. I could have sent you a new invoice but I was doing so much I didnt bother.
oki iam sorry
Its fine, its not your fault I hope you didnt take it that way. It’s mine because I had so many orders and I wasn’t prepared to handle international orders. I hope you enjoy your stuff!
no its oki sweetie
good luck with your second sale