Break From Beauty: Kerry Washington

I love her…my husband loves her…. It’s all about Kerry Washington in our house. We both watch Scandal each week and TV lover/addict that I am I must say this is one of the best shows on TV in a long time. It keeps me guessing which is hard. I almost always know whats going to happen on shows. Watching with me must suck because I can predict where the story is going most of the time. Not with Scandal. They go places I’m not expecting all the time and I like that. I’m not crazy about her makeup on this cover but I love seeing her regardless lol!

I kind of prefer this cover…

Or this one…

I watch Kerry’s red carpet looks all the time. They are usually stunning. Not always hits for me but more hits than misses! My favorite so far is her Oscar look. So gorgeous.

Who do you like on the red carpet? I hate to use the term girl crush but I guess Kerry would be mine!

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  1. says

    Love her. I’ve mentioned Kimora before. Been loving Rachel Roy lately. I lightweight stalk her Instagram. Still can’t believe she was married to Damon Dash.

  2. Pickygal29 says

    LOVE the show! LOVE the writing!! And happy to see her making it in hollyweird…still not enough of us out there yet so I’m glad she (and shonda) are DOIN it!!!

    • says

      I love that she’s able to find success and break some barriers on network tv. And Shonda is the best writer on TV. Grey’s Anatomy still makes me cry and this show fills me with excitement and really makes you think which I love:)

  3. Lily Hong says

    Haven’t seen the show yet! I always see the trailers since it’s right after Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal looks really good! I need to start it soon!

    But Kerry is a beauty. :)

  4. Sarah S. says

    Oh my gosh, I CANNOT wait for that ELLE to get delivered. I am completely addicted to Scandal, and Kerry has got to be the most gorgeous woman on television at the moment. Great actress too!

  5. Marina says

    Kerry Washingtonis speaking at my high school graduation this year (I’m not graduating, but all the seniors are.). How exciting is that? I have no idea how they got her but I love her and am so excited to see her and hear her speech. She’s gorgeous and an incredible actress!

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