Congratulations to Annabel she won the Bare Minerals Hot to Trot Lip Gloss set! I’ll send your six glosses (woo hoo!) out to you soon, enjoy!
By: Crystalcomment
By: Crystalcomment
By: Crystalcomment
Did you have a great weekend and Monday? I hope so! I’m playing catch up for the next few days. We just got back from a great two week vacation! We went to some beautiful places like St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Cozumel, Nassau (Bahamas) and Haiti which are just beautiful this time of year. And [...]
By: Crystal7 Comments
I went through the makeup bag in my purse and man there is a lot of gloss in there! Nine different shades!!! Do you carry around all your favorite colors? I do. I thought I’d tell you which lip glosses are in my makeup bag and link to the blog posts on them so you [...]
By: Crystal18 Comments
The Kardashian beauty product line has hit the shelves of the Ulta and Kmart near me. I’ve seen some products at the store (no purchases yet) and YouTube videos and I’m on the fence about trying this brand. What are you thinking? Yay or Nay? I feel like there are a few important things to [...]