Makeup Stash Update-Muji Makes Me Happy

muji acrylic drawers organization

Nothing makes me happier than everything being in its place. The right place-not a made up one! I got my stash all organized with my new additional Muji five stacks and here is a peek at it. Now I have to work on getting all my crap off the counter! Ahhh organization just makes me [...]

Muji Acrylic Storage Drawers

muji acrylic drawers two five stacks

My new Muji Drawers came! I got my first order from Muji over a year ago and its changed the way I store my makeup. I ordered more for myself. Two more five stacks for my stash! Two Muji Acrylic Five Stacks (put together, $27.95 each) Individual Drawer I love Muji drawers because they are [...]