New Drugstore Beauty Sighted Haul Video

loreal infallible eyeshadows midnight blue, perpetual purple, and golden sage swatched

I found the new L’oreal Infallible Eyeshadows, L’oreal Colour Riche Balms, and Covergirl Lashblast 24hr Mascara! Here’s a pic of a few of the L’oreal Infallible Eyeshadows swatched: Midnight Blue, Perpetual Purple, and Golden Sage swatched

Have You Seen This Brave and Beautiful Girl?

This has been all over Yahoo but I don’t think its anything a makeup lover should miss. It’s one of those things that can really inspire and show you that makeup does amazing things. But this girls bravery makes me forget about the makeup part. She starts off the video looking like anyone you’d see [...]

Random Post…

medicine and candy

Sorry I haven’t posted lately but…I’m sick! I got hit like a ton of bricks with a cold yesterday and I’ve been in my pajama’s all drugged up and snotty today. I think I”m going to be better soon. My husband is the best. He came home with an arsenal of stuff for me! Look [...]