Break From Beauty: You Must Try This!

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I love to eat, it’s a fact. I’ve never been one of those girls that orders salads or stays away from GOOD food or tasty snacks. But I am not a really big ice cream lover and I don’t ever get excited about Klondike’s or stuff like that. But this…is different. It’s so good that [...]

Most Used: This Week Anyway….

most used july 24”

What a week! These are the items that I used quite a bit this week. Here are more details and reviews if I have them! Left side…… Too Faced Natural Eye Palette- I think this is a great palette for neutral/work friendly looks. There are nine really good eyeshadows in here and even a card [...]

Sorry For All The Technical Glitches Lately….

sad cow

I’m so sorry about the technical screw ups lately. It’s been hard to comment on posts for the last week or more. I love reading your comments so I implemented a few fixes today and I hope they make things much better! Comment away! Hope your having a great week:) Crystal

Most Used: This Week Anyway….

weekly favorites july 16

                            These are some of the items I showed a lot of love to this week. Here’s more information on them in case your interested! Left side….. Victoria Secret Sparkling Lip Gloss Electric- Nice gloss, amazing packaging. The glitter is a bit [...]

Eyeshadow, I Love You

eye look

Are you obsessed with eyeshadow? I am. I literally love it all. I love the colors, the consistency, and constant hunt for the perfect color. The hunt is always on mind you. I find a shade that is going to change my life (makeup life that is) each week:) I swatch and analyze so many [...]