Do you like Twitter? I do! I love to talk with everyone that messages me there. I’m on Twitter as crystalcam. Usually I post about sales and new blog posts that I’ve put up. I thought I’d tell you about some of the people that I follow [...]
By: Crystalcomment
Do you like Twitter? I do! I love to talk with everyone that messages me there. I’m on Twitter as crystalcam. Usually I post about sales and new blog posts that I’ve put up. I thought I’d tell you about some of the people that I follow [...]
By: Crystalcomment
I noticed that so many of you have really cool blogs! I added the CommentLuv feature to the site today. So basically if you comment on a post of mine and you check the CommentLuv box your most recent blog post will be added to your comment. That way I can read your most recent [...]
By: Crystal6 Comments
Hautelook is a website with great deals at hugely discounted prices. You can register to use their site for free using my invite here. I stalk them for makeup deals all the time. They have some brands that I like Urban Decay, NYX, and Rock & Republic just to name a few. There are some [...]
By: Crystal12 Comments
I have a beauty buddy from Hong Kong and she sent me a box of great stuff to try recently. I love trying stuff from all over so I really look forward to things like this! I’ll show these things up [...]
By: Crystalcomment
These items got a lot of play this week, it was quite a pink loving week:) Here’s more details and links if I’ve reviewed them. Left side….. Revlon Colorburst Lip Gloss Hot Pink- I think this is my favorite drugstore gloss. So pretty and pink:) Reviewed here. Revlon Colorburst Lipstick Fuchsia- This lipstick gets lots [...]