China Glaze On Safari Collection-Part 2

Ready for the other half of this Fall Collection? These six colors are beautiful like the ones I showed you in Part 1. I’ll start with the two I’m a little crazy over. Jungle Queen and Man Hunt.

Jungle Queen (smoky violet) is a really pretty purple. I have no words for it. I’ll just show it to you, A LOT.
















Jungle Queen

Man Hunt (bold cobalt blue) is one of those colors I can’t resist. I am crazy about blue nail polish. I don’t know what it is about blue but I can’t pass one (light blue, dark blue, sorta blue it doesn’t matter) without picking it up when I’m shopping. It’s so strange but take a look at this one! Also as a married woman I just like to use the words MAN HUNT as often as possible.








Man Hunt

Here are four other great shades!

I Herd That (brilliant copper glitter) is a fun color. I have a weakness for glitter polish in general and for some reason gold toned ones are my favorites. Gold glitters are the only ones I put over all my fingers instead of just using them as an accent or glitter nail on my ring finger. I like gold everywhere!









I Herd That

Purr-fect Plum (bold burgundy) would catch my eye in a store too. It’s just plummy goodness and I can’t wait to put it on my toes.








Purr-fect Plum

Desert Sun (delicious caramel) just reminds me of food. Or candy to be exact. Good buttery candy. Mmmmhmmm. Or Pumpkin Spice Latte’s. Have you ever had one of those? That’s one of my favorite things about Fall. This shade looks nice against my skin too in my humble opinion.







Desert Sun

Call of the Wild (chocolate brown-dark cherry blend) is the other vampy shade in the collection. I like vampy, I like it a lot. When I see girls wearing colors like this I don’t mess with them. Some women look at other women’s shoes/purses/outfits but I look at the nails. I’m not judging but to me they are a clue as to what is going on with someone. I see a shade like this and I know you are way too sophisticated for me to challenge in any way. Go ahead and cut in front of me in Starbucks. It’s ok. I know you’ll clothes-line me if I don’t let you go first!





Call of the Wild

Nice colors aren’t they? Which are your favorites? If you haven’t seen Part 1 you better check it out here.

I think there is a good variety in this collection of colors for everyone. It’s a good mix of traditional and new Fall shades to try. The glitters are fantastic and great to mix into your manicure. Think GLITTER NAIL y’all. Would it shock you to know I have started doing a glitter toe? Yeah, it’s come to that! I used my China Glaze Base Strong Adhesion Coat, two coats of color, and a top coat for all the pictures. Like I said in Part 1 every shade but the glitter (I Herd That) looks great after one coat if you are in a rush.

Let me know your favorites, I think the must haves after looking at all twelve shades are Elephant Walk, Prey Tell, Jungle Queen, and Man Hunt for me.

*press samples

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