Currently Lusting For….September Releases

I’m lusting for a lot of makeup in September. I thought I’d show it all to you…here we go!





Urban Decay Book of Shadows IV, $64










the Balm Cast Your Shadow Palette, $44.50










Guerlain Fall Palettes, $59 each

(I have #01 Les Violets, I need MORE!)









Chanel Lagons Eye Quad, $57











Mac’s Posh Paradise Collection

New Paint Pots, $17.50 each







Mac’s Style Driven Eyeshadows, $20 each







Chanel Perfection Lumiere Foundation, $55










Dolce & Gabbana Foundation, $55








Dolce & Gabbana Passion Duo Lipstick, $34

(cream lipstick, gloss center!)









Mac Matchmaster Foundation, $32.50




September is going to be an interesting month w/lots of foundation and eyeshadow!

Is there anything that you are looking forward to checking out?

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  1. T.R. says

    I love theBalm. I have the first 2 palettes. Need vol.3 and this one. I don’t have facebook (and refuse to get it) :O) so I’ll have wait until it comes out officially. That UD palette I have NYC and Alice in Wonderland so I’m going to have to decide on this one. Something about LE that always gets me…LOL

    • says

      I don’t have anything from theBalm but I love those shady lady palettes. I’ve swatched them at Sephora. I’m hoping this will be the first ever thing I get to review from them. I’m kind of obsessed I have it on FB and they are also updating w/ directions on what to do to preorder on Twitter. I’m covered both ways! I have all the UD Book of Shadows except the 1st one. LE always gets me too, I am a competitive mess overall:)

  2. T.R. says

    Hey Crystal, well I just ordered my theBalm palette. I thought I would wait but thank Gawd I sub to temptilia (?) on YT. I happened to open her review last night on the palette and found out not only was it LE but EXTREMELY LE only 1,000. So I found their facebook page and was happy it was open and got in line this morning. I was a little nervous when everyone started saying they got their confirm and had ordered. BTW CONGRATULATIONS!! Right after I saw your post I went back to my email and their it was and of course I ordered with a quickness….LOL. I know I’m on a strict budget but with only 1,000 and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Muppets, I just had to make it work.

    Can’t wait for your review. I’m glad I waited to post this because I was going to ask you earlier but you know you don’t want to ask just in case…..but since you got in on it I feel like now we got a bond … LOL Two LE junkies getting their fix on….LOL

    • says

      I’m so glad you got yours, thats fantastic. I am so happy for us! Lol. We have a bond alright. We are patient and we are gettin our Muppet palettes soon I hope. I used restraint and just did regular shipping. Trying to keep the costs down since there is so much I’m wanting to check out in September. Congrats again and enjoy your palette. I think it’s a decent price budget wise for the quality. Temptalia giving it an A+ really sold me. I wish there were more than 1000 but I’m so glad they have an alternate palette for everyone that doesn’t get a Muppet one. Enjoy your palette, now I have to stalk Urban Decay to see when the Book of Shadow’s 4 is going to come out. It never ends:)

  3. T.R. says

    :O)I didn’t know they had an alternative palette for the holidays. I guess I didn’t pay as close attention to Temptila’s review. To my defense I was super tired and it was late when I watched it. LOL

    I just saw the holiday palette on Temptila’s website. Truth be told I might just get that one too so I can save my Muppet one. :O) Never done that before but I just might especially since I have a few more months to think and plan on the holiday one. I like the names on that one too.

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