Deal Alert: Hautelook Rock & Republic and NYX on Friday

Hautelook is a website with great deals at hugely discounted prices. You can register to use their site for free using my invite here.

I stalk them for makeup deals all the time. They have some brands that I like Urban Decay, NYX, and Rock & Republic just to name a few.

There are some really pretty single eyeshadows ($7 each) and lip gloss ($6.50) from Rock & Republic on sale now till tomorrow and NYX is going to be on sale Friday. I’m not sure what exactly from NYX will be on sale but I’ll be checking for sure!

Here are some of the eyeshadows that I got from Rock & Republic, they have some great shades and excellent pigmentation.












Denim (left) and Revenge eyeshadow







Twisted (left) and Envy eyeshadow








Provocative (left) and Electric eyeshadow




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  1. Daphnee says

    Did you get Electric and Denim mixed up? My Denim looks like your Electric. My Denim is a dark matte blue shade??? R&R has great shadows. Their brushes are nice too.

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