Essence Stay With Me Long Lasting Lipgloss-Candy Bar









Essence Stay With Me Long Lasting Lipgloss, Candy Bar #03 $2.99

Holy budget lipgloss! I heard a lot about this from you guys and wow you are right! This is a great inexpensive gloss. I love the color and the gloss does stay with you through the day without being sticky. I touched up on average twice a day while wearing this so I’m thinking if your a gloss-a-holic like me you may touch up too. I just like to keep the color poppin ha! I loved Candy Bar overall.

It took a minute to get used to the gloss wand. It’s a different shape that I haven’t come across before. Check it out!








But once I figured out that you can get it to kind of hug your lips I was obsessed. This wand is a great idea! I picked this up from Ulta for $3 and there are a few other great colors. Pick one of these up if you haven’t already its worth it! Let me know if you have one of these glosses. I can’t believe I took so long to check this out!

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  1. Barbette Sealy says

    Hey Crystal – I’ve been in love with these for a long time. I love the wand also,I’m glad to hear you like the them. Also, I read that Essence is coming to Walgreens! Very interested to see what products they will have from the brand.

    • says

      The gloss is so great. I’d love to try another color! I’m so excited they are coming to Walgreens. Both of my Ulta’s are really not doing a great job of keeping the Essence section stocked! Even the new Ulta in my area!

  2. Kelsey says

    I’m the one who sent you the picture of these on instagram. I have “pretty witty” and today I bought “my favourite milkshake”. I wanted candy bar but my location was sold out. Maybe next week ;)

  3. otti says

    Those certainly are fabulous. I’ve three of them and I love them all. Besides, they’re so inexpensive hehe

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