Have You Seen This Brave and Beautiful Girl?

This has been all over Yahoo but I don’t think its anything a makeup lover should miss. It’s one of those things that can really inspire and show you that makeup does amazing things. But this girls bravery makes me forget about the makeup part.

She starts off the video looking like anyone you’d see and then she takes her makeup off. As someone that had horrible acne in high school this really breaks me up because it took me back…take a look.

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  1. says

    Wow. I also had very severe acne for a long time from childhood til adulthood. I suffered so badly it was on my scalp, chest, back and of course on my face. I had many battles with the dermatologist and used too many tubes of Retin-A to even count. I tried to wear makeup but never got the results this young lady got. I mean her face looks amazing fully done up. I think she’s very brave but i also think it shows we need to be comfortable with who we are with or without our shells.

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