I have a beauty buddy from Hong Kong and she sent me a box of great stuff to try recently. I love trying stuff from all over so I really look forward to things like this! I’ll show these things up close in case you’re as interested as I am about what’s available in another part of the world.
T-Zone Treatment Mask- Helps reduce oiliness on nose and forehead, helps with appearance of pores and skin refinement.
U-Zone Treatment Mask- Hydrating and providing moisture on chin and cheeks, helps unclog pores.
Brightening Facial Essence Mask- Used after cleansing and toning. Wear the mask 20-30 minutes, it brightens the face!
Firming Lift Facial Essence Mask- Use after cleansing and toning, wear the mask 20-30 minutes face is firmed:)
Fairy Drops Volume Burst Mascara Waterproof- This famously great brand of mascara has a great brush/wand.
Mascara Guard- This two-sided tool is going right on my counter. Comb lashes and apply mascara with this handy tool.
Dariya Hair Magic Sheet- What a great idea, I hate it when I get hair in my face while doing makeup or brushing my teeth etc!
Facial Cleansing Brush- I can’t tell you how soft but effective this little tool is. It’s like a mini facial to me, I love it.
Latte Art Milk Tea Morning Pack- This is so cute, I had no idea what it was and I opened it up and found that it’s a moisturzing prep cream to use before makeup application. When you use it for the first time you open the little “creamer” and put it in the product to mix it all up. After you’ve added that you have a great cream to apply on your face that has caffeine and other ingredients to give you a radiant and supple face that’s ready for makeup.
I’m going to enjoy trying/playing with all my stuff. Do you like to try stuff that’s not available where you live?
This may have been sent to you fron HK but it’s all Japanese products… Just thought i’d say.
Japan is one of my favourite place to buy cosmetics, they have such wide range! I’m in Tokyo for 3 months at the moment (business trip) and have been crazy shopping like hell! Looooving it
I had a video of Japanese cosmetics on my YT channel before, i swear i go nuts over them!
PS: could you take a closer picture of the late cup please? Don’t know what it is but it says that it’s ready in 30 secs. But i wonder what lol. Maybe it’s a mask or something? Or they mean the preparation of the cream itself (when you add the creamer)?
Yeah I have no idea where its originally from. I’m just so glad they have directions or pictures so I know how to use it on each thing which is great. I would shop my bootie off too. She’s great and we did a swap that I did a YT video for last summer. So amazing, best eye products ever! They must mean the prep of the creamer. There are some really detailed directions on the bottom (in english) and after you mix it up you apply the product all over the face for 20 seconds and pat to help it penetrate. It’s described as a speedy skin boosting primer with instant moisture veil. I can’t wait to mix it up, cutest packaging ever.
@Caroline: Actually, If you want to get technical the Latte and SkinLite are Korean. And I ALWAYS DIE when I see tony moly (Latte) packaging it is SO cute…I always leave with ten extra items just because the packaging is adorable
Thanks so much for letting me know where these things are from. I open up stuff like a crazy woman and just start using it! I would go OFF in a store with the cute packaging. I’m a sucker for this kind of stuff!
Actually most of the makeup is Korean. The latte art cup is by tony my, if you want to check it out.
@Hannah: i thought it was Japanese because everything else was and i could read the kanji. But since i can’t see well, it could definitely be cantonese. It’s probably a korean brand but it’s definitely not written in hangul.
Would you know where i could find these in Tokyo? I’ll definitely be checking it out, i love cute stuff like that! Thanks for letting me the name of the brand
@Crystal: i so understand you, i’d be doing the same thing!
I’m in HEAVEN!
I swear whenever i’m in a cosmetics store (be it Sephora or even here in Asia) i feel like a fat kid in a candy store
So glad to see girls that love products as much as i do. Honestly keep up with the good work on your blog, i seriously love it and always check for updates on my G Reader. Thank god you update very regularly
lol oh you said it perfectly i am the kid in a candy store…i can’t swatch and buy fast enough. i lose all sense of reason:) thanks so much for following the blog:)
I love and need that Mascara tool. Because I can never not get mascara on my eyelid no matter how hard I try. Do you know if It can be ordered?
I just checked ebay, there are quite a few on there for around $3 and free shipping. That might be the best place to get one. I searched using the term “mascara guard”.
I’m actually surprised your friend didn’t get you more make up related items.. Sad, because most stuff you’re getting is just Asian skin care (just saying, since I live there myself.) and it’s hella cheap, talking about really good quality concealers, brushes and eyeshadows((etc)) for a really cheap price.
But then again. I envy those living in places where you dont need eBay for Urban Decay.
We have done makeup swaps in the past. I have some amazing eye makeup, nail polish, and other stuff from her. She just sent this as a thank you for getting her the items she wanted from IMATS and the Makeup Show in Chicago.
Definitely envying now xD stuff like Inglot, we don’t get everyday either.