James Vincent-Makeup Artist

I had the pleasure of attending a two-hour Celebrity Makeup talk at the Bennett Career Institute with James Vincent. What many know is that James is an incredible makeup artist. He has done amazing work for so many celebrities including Lady Gaga! But the other thing that me and my classmates quickly learned is what an incredibly giving mentor he is as well.

With a wicked sense of humor he gave us so many do’s and don’ts for success in the business. And after all that invaluable information he showed us the Born this Way black eye shadow look from the Lady Gaga video. To share all that info and then show his incredible artistry…we were all so very impressed! Here are a few shots I got. In the last one you can see those recognizable eyes! Wow!

I learned so many great things but one of the biggest was follow your own rules and try new things. At one point James put cream (shadow) over powder in the eye look pictured above. He told us all we probably have been told not to do that. The thing to take away from that? There is nothing wrong with doing things YOUR way. If it works do it! That’s a great example of being an original.

Besides being an in demand artist James Vincent has so many other things going on. Including being director of artistry for The Makeup Show. They are in New York later this month and in Chicago in June. SAM FINE will be there. Count me IN!

Check it all out at www.themakeupshow.com.

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