Makeup Room Remodel Pics!



It’s almost done!

The makeup room has been repainted and the new furniture is all put together! Take a look. The only thing left to do is putting up the new white fan in the ceiling and then I get to move all the makeup back in! It’s a rainy day so excuse the lighting but I just had to show you because I’m so excited!!!!

All of the furniture is from Ikea by the way. I used to not be a fan of the place but for a project like this its the place to shop!



White Expedit Shelving Unit


Alex Drawer Units


I’ve got a nail rack now woo hoo! I got this off

That’s it so far thanks for taking a look!

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  1. Samantha V. says

    It’s looking good! I love seeing how people organize their makeup. It inspires me to fix up my mess. Lol.

  2. CC says

    The color, the furniture and placement- everything looks just perfect! Congrats, can’t wait to see when the makeup is in place.

  3. Jane M says

    Are the white square shelves from ikea as well? Is this where you film your videos? You sure have a lot of drawers! That’s a whole lotta makeup. **sigh**. Just put 2 kids thru college. Now furnishing apts and etc. I’m too old for all that makeup anyway. I just enjoy seeing all your makeup and you wear it so well.

  4. T.R. says

    Seriously jealous right now. Wish I had a whole separate room to play in. Love the paint color so bright and warm. I love color on walls.

  5. JC says

    LOVE your makeup room! Have you seen the new Large “MIRRORED MAKE UP STORAGE” from I’ve got my eye on it, ha.

  6. Ruth says

    LOVING the room remodel! The green was a bit dark and this is light and cheery. also, I have that same nail rack in my amazon cart for my polish when my office is set up.

  7. Christina F says

    Great job on the room makeover. It’s so neat and there is so much storage! I can only imagine the time put into assembling all of that Ikea stuff. It’s inspiring to those of us whose makeup spaces are getting out of control.

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