NOTD: L’oreal Silver Sparkle

When my nails are a mess I go glittery.

I hate it when my nails seem to all break off at the same time. Or even better two or three nails from each hand! This happens every few months and I have to start over. I clip everything down and plaster the nubs with glitter. It’s become my standard response to jazzing up a stubbie manicure. I glitter-fy what ever is left beyond reason.

But I always grab a fun glitter to drown my nails in. Today’s pick is Silver Sparkle by L’oreal.

















I used a base coat, two coats of Silver Sparkle, and a top coat. I could have done a third coat of glitter to make the finish more opaque but I’m happy with the way it looks. I hope my nubs grow QUICK. I picked this up from Bed Bath & Beyond (Harmon’s beauty section) for around $5.

What do you do when your nails are a mess?

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  1. Jordan says

    I’m also a glitter fan for when my nails are a mess, but my nails never really seem to grow very well so I’m almost always wearing glitter :-).

      • says

        I’ve been taking Biotin daily, and it has completely transformed my nails. They’re strong and they grow quickly, which they NEVER did before. I bought my bottle at Costco for $12, but I’m sure they have it at a local drugstore.

        BTW – I think your nails look lovely.

  2. Nancy says

    When My Nail are a mess I just clip them really short…… as short as they can go and then I put the Dior cuticle cream on in the evening I swear that stuff works magic! My Nails and Hair grow like weeds anyway within a few days they are already quite a bit longer. If you eat a lot of protein they grow fast.

  3. Monica says

    I agree on the Dior creme. It’s the best cuticle treatment I’ve ever tried. When my nails are a mess I go short and paint them a neutral color.

  4. says

    I just cut them, buff em since they’re usually brittle and start painting. lol
    I love glitter polishes or shimmery ones so it’s an almost every day thing for me.

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