NOTD: OPI Mad As A Hatter (Best Polish Ever)

Often times people ask me my favorite lipstick or lip gloss color ever. Thats a hard one because there are so many shades that I’ve loved over the years. But if you ask me what my favorite nail polish color is with out a doubt it’s OPI’s Mad As A Hatter. This bottle has a honored space in my nail polish cabinet and I only bring it down on special occasions. When I first got this bottle from the Alice In Wonderland Collection years ago I wore it on my fingers and toes for three weeks straight. I couldn’t get enough of it.

I first saw it in the nail salon when I was picking a color for my manicure and I snapped it off the shelf with the quickness I usually reserve for dinner rolls and candy. Then after my nails and toes where covered in it for the first time since I was ten I wondered if I could leave an extra $10 with my nail person and slip it in my purse because I didn’t want anyone else to have it. It had to be mine. Well I was lucky because when I asked my nail person if they had some extras, they had four additional bottles so I got one! Thinking about it now I should have purchased them all….









One day this bottle is going to go bad and I’m going to lose it. I used a base coat, two coats of Mad As A Hatter, and a top coat. I hope they bring back this shade sometime in the future because there have been a million glitters since this came out but nothing as good in my opinion. Best glitter ever…..

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  1. Jordan says

    I basically wore this all summer 2010 and most of the fall love love love, the burlesque glitters were pretty similar too and I love those too

    yay rainbow glitters :-)

  2. Jessica H says

    Do you know any websites where I can buy this polish?
    I live in the UK and OPI polishes that are from collections are REALLY hard to find :(
    I have tried a couple websites but I just can’t seem to find in anywhere and was wondering if you had a website that shipped internationally that stocked it.

    BTW love your posts :) I usually read your nail posts before going out to buy nail polish because you always have such good taste :)

    Thank you for just reading this :)
    <3 x

    • says

      This is going to be so hard to find since it came out in 2010. I really don’t know where it would be available. I really hope they bring it back because it’s so pretty and I’d love a newer bottle once my current one goes bad. Good luck and I’m sorry it’s so hard to find!

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