Smashbox Custom Color-Light, Medium, and Dark

smashbox custom color

Smashbox has great ideas. They have some new kits at Sephora and based on your complexion for $59 you can get a great set of things to really add some spice to your makeup collection. The kits include quite a few things and in the Dark Skin Custom Color set pictured above you get: - [...]

Most Used: This Week Anyway…

most used july 10th

These items got a lot of play this week, it was quite a pink loving week:) Here’s more details and links if I’ve reviewed them. Left side….. Revlon Colorburst Lip Gloss Hot Pink- I think this is my favorite drugstore gloss. So pretty and pink:) Reviewed here. Revlon Colorburst Lipstick Fuchsia- This lipstick gets lots [...]

Currently Lusting For: Dior Blues

dior blue tie

Both of these beautiful items are at Nordstrom’s and are part of their anniversary sale…. Smoking Blue Tie Palette, $70. Tuxedo Nail Polish, $21.

NOTD: Chanel Peridot

chanel peridot nail polish

                                I bet you’ve seen this color a few times. I know I have! I waited as long as I could and tried the other color that I got from the Fall 2011 collection Graphite first and now on to [...]