Congrats My Paradise Blush Winner!

surf baby my paradise

Lanesha is the My Paradise blush winner! She told me in her email reply to my congrats you’re the winner email that she called all the Mac’s in her area to find one of these blushes and they are out. I’m so glad she won this and I’ll mail it out tomorrow so she can get it [...]

Le Metier De Beaute Haulin

le metier de beaute haul

Neiman Marcus is having their Camp Gorgeous beauty event this week and the GWP(gift w/purchase) for getting some Le Metier De Beaute goodies was a beautiful slim lip palette. So pretty and perfect for my handbag! I got six individual LMDB eyeshadows that I’ll be reviewing for you all soon. I also got the eye [...]

Congrats to my NYX Gloss Winner!


Congrats to Megan, she won the NYX Lipgloss Giveaway! Here is a pic of what Megan won: I’m sending your NYX goodies out today! Enjoy!

CVS Deals: L’oreal Studio Secrets Eyeshadow Quads

Loreal studio secrets eyeshadows

Some great eyeshadows from L’oreal are on sale this week. They have so many of these quads and also I think the HIP Duo’s are on sale too. They are $6 each with your CVS bonus card. I had three $2 off manufacturer coupons and $7 off in CVS coupons so I got these three [...]

NOTD: Mac Obey Me

mac obey me nail polish

I can’t believe it took me this long to use my Mac Wonder Woman Obey Me nail polish. I love reds and this is a beautiful one from Mac. I am not always a fan of Mac polishes. Sometimes the formula is iffy and other times the brush sucks but everything worked for this shade. [...]