Physicians Formula Bronze Booster-Medium to Dark

Physicians Formula Bronze Booster Medium to Dark (approx. $16)

I’m glad I got this for $3.44. That gives you some idea about what is coming right? I love using products like this. I use makeup products in the right place but most often the wrong one! If not a bronzer it could maybe highlight? I figured I’d get something fun to use and of course I was seduced by the beautiful presentation after all. I love using products like this on my face. I am addicted to the glow. Part of the reason I miss J.Lo on American Idol isn’t because of her judging abilities…I just liked seeing the GLOW every week.

I love the color in the pan. I think that this is one of the most beautiful products I’ve ever seen at the drugstore.

Now the swatches. This being the medium to dark version (there is a light to medium also) I get a very soft shimmer against my deep brown skin.

Thats the problem. It’s too subtle for loud, greedy, expects a lot me. As a highlighter that is. I think this is great against a deep skin tone if you aren’t looking for too much shimmer in your highlighter. The formula is neat in that it’s kind of a mattified shimmer. It’s not disco ball like which is fortunate. For me it’s not a great fit. I like to think I can make many things work and I often do but this isn’t for me. I have issues and gaudiness is one of them!

As a bronzer this is too shimmery. There it crosses into disco ball territory. In a bad way. I prefer my Covergirl Queen Collection Bronzer in Q120. I can use some of this Physicians Formula bronzer on the tops of my cheeks in a pinch. The shimmer is good there and work appropriate. Not too much tho-it ends up looking muddy QUICK. Just a little is okay.

If you are a lot more fair skinned than me this might be a good fit. Watch out for the shimmer if you are truly using this as a bronzer. I’ve had fun giving myself a little gold glimmer with this bronzer but it’s not going into heavy rotation.

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  1. Africanorchid says

    If it doesn’t suit you so much on your cheeks, try it as a bronzy eyeshadow and see if that might work. Even though the price was’s still money spent. Might as well try and get as much out of it as possible. :-D

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