This is gonna be a big one! It’s for buyers in the US & Canada only.
I have had so many issues in the past with international shipping. Some buyers wanted me to pay the extra shipping charges (example they Paypal’d me $16 for shipping & after checking I found out the shipping was $25 to their country) and some other complicated stuff. I’ve lost a lot of $$ in the past because of shipping and since I feel the prices I charge are fair I am just unwilling to lose money anymore. I have to raise the Canadian shipping costs also this time around unfortunately. During the last blog sale the actual shipping charges were a lot higher than what I charged buyers.
But for the sale there will be lots of limited edition Maybelline Color Tattoos (12), L’oreal Infallibles (8), and also lots of Mac stuff (lipsticks, glosses, paint pots, MSF’s) so I hope you’ll stop buy. Here’s a picture…and this isn’t even all of it!
I think we will do it on Sunday, August 31st! I’ll get back to you soon on a firm date for the sale:) I have to check on a few things before I finalize the date. I have to make sure Dollar Tree has enough shipping materials (bubble envelopes, bubble wrap, & tape) for me and stuff.
I’ll let you know here real soon! I will put the blog sale rules/shipping info up along with the actual date of the sale. That way if you come to the sale you know whats up and can just start putting your email to me together. I often get 50 emails in the first 5-10 minutes so be patient with me and hopefully you’ll get some gently used stuff from my stash!
OOOOOOO…I’ve already tentatively marked my calendar!
I already know I want that Alluring Aquatic Blush I see lol
Would you ship to Puerto Rico. I know some people believe its international, but it not. I’m always so excited when you have a blog sale. Please considerate.
No sorry! Only shipping to the states and Canada no territories.
Can’t wait hopefully I’ll b able to get some goodies.! Lol
I can’t wait!…
I’m so excited to see what you’ll have!
I could be totally wrong here but I know when I used to have sales, my losses came from postal estimates. I don’t know if you have one already but a postal scale saved me money and time.
They cost a lot less than when I bought mine. The weight & costs were spot on and then I was able to charge accurate postage from that point on.
Good idea. But my other issue is tracking. I’ve got to have accurate tracking info and so many countries don’t. I’ve had 6 buyers say their international items didn’t arrive and request refunds. Without tracking I can’t prove they got their stuff. One of them even showed the product on their blog (the nerve!) so I know it got there!
Wow! I can’t believe that person! Your good – if I was you, I would have called them out on it publicly!
I’m a big color tattoo fan but I’ll never make the cut on this sale just never fast enough. I buy them overpriced from ebay all the time. I love your videos have fun watching Max and think you deserve more viewers/subscribers then you have. Maybe people just forget to hit the subscribe button. I know I subscribe to everything you participate in twitter, instagram….etc.
Thank you so much for the support! Have a wonderful weekend!
YASSS…..Im at the PC trying to enlarge the screen to see what goodies you have! LOVE your sales…
Hahaha! How are you doing lady? Hope all is well!
Omg I can’t wait to see what you’ve got! Yay! I love these sales and have much enjoyed my past purchases.
Thank you so much! I love how many previous purchasers come back because they are so happy with how things worked out in the past!