My best little buddy Jinx passed away on Monday. Its a hard loss because for the last twelve years I’ve seen Jinx everyday and she’s slept right on my hip every night. I have wonderful memories and great pictures of her. I’ll be back to blogging tomorrow but I just wanted you to know that I’ve been taking a little break.
Thanks hope your having a great week.
So sorry for your loss. Glad you have fond memories. And you are blessed to have support of family and friends, max, and us. Take it easy
Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry for your lost. I have a beagle and I know I would be useless for a while if something ever happened to her. She can be a pain in the butt (with her Diva ways) but she is the best pain in the butt, friend and sleep buddy I’ve ever had. My thoughts are with you….xoxo
So sorry for your loss- a pet is a family member that never annoys or upsets you, a constant companion. ;( hope your ok
Aw. So sorry, it’s always very difficult. Thinking of you <3
OH Crystal, I am so sorry:(
Awww….sorry to hear about Jinx Crystal.
So sorry for your loss. I enjoyed seeing Jinx in the occasional video. She seemed very sweet. At 12 or at 22 (Sarah’s age when I lost her) it always seems too soon. Just remember that you were a great “mom” and she had a terrific life. Take your time. Extra hugs to Max. Again, sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your lost. I know it really hard to loose a pet. The love of my life passed away almost 3 years ago, after 17 year of age, and I still miss her.
Crystal I am so sorry to hear about Jinxs. I know it is hard but with the love of family and friends and your YT family you will be fine. The loss of a beloved pet is tough. You are in my prayers .
So sorry for your loss. Sweet baby Jinx will be missed. Hugs to you Crystal.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
Awwww, my sincerest sympathies to you.
Thoughts are with you. Remember the happy memories Jinx provided you in this lifetime.
I am very sorry for the loss of your Jinx. The loss of a pet companion is never easy. You take as much time as you need. Snuggle more with Max. We will be here on the other side when you come back. Love.
I am so sorry for your loss
Crystal, I commented on Instagram, but I wanted to say once again how sorry I am. It’s so hard losing a pet. I was so heartbroken after having to put my sweet baby to sleep after 17 years. Just think of all the good memories and of the good life that Jinx had because of you.
Thank you so much. I really am trying to just think about all the happy times we had together:)
Crystal, I’m so sorry for you loss. It’s never easy to loose someone you love. I feel a piece of sadness and I’ve never met Jinx. Praying for your heart to heal
I am so very sorry to hear of your loss Crystal. Pets are family…just a little fuzzier than other relatives. I always enjoyed seeing Jinx in some of your earlier videos, she will be missed.
I’m so sorry for your loss Crystal. Please, take all the time you need to feel better, you deserve it.
Aw, we are so sad to hear about Jinx. Sending you hugs!! We know how hard it is to lose a little buddy.
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
Crystal I’m sooo sorry to hear that. I know how I’d feel if my Zoe was to pass. Pets really are a part of your family and you mourn their loss just like a human. Take your time. She was a beautiful and funny baby.
I’m so sorry Crystal
I was wondering where she was bcoz I’ve not seen her in your videos in a while. My prayers are with you.
Oh Crystal. I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you. I lost my older dog last year and the void still aches. Hugs, Elle
What a beauty she is. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are like family and you must be going thru a difficult time now. Just know you have so much support from your blogging community and we share your sadness with you right now. May all the positive comments and thoughts lift you up. Lots of Love coming your way.
I am so sorry about The loss of your beloved fur Baby . We are cat people and send our deepest sympathy ,,
Madelyn and Amanda E
Clyde ( pussycat ) is sad too
Aww.. such a pretty cat! Jinx will be dearly missed. God bless..
I’m so sorry for your loss. I almost lost my chihuahua and she had to be hospitalized this weekend and I was a wreak just from the though of it. She had a wonderful life because you took care of her so just focus on how well she lived. I’m sending you good vibes!
I’m so sorry for your loss!
Oh Crystal, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard to lose our pets. Our cat “Tigger” is 15 yrs old, so I know its just a matter of time for her. My thoughts and prayers are with you xoxo
i’m so sorry for your loss, crystal. losing an animal is really difficult. sending support prayers your way xoxo
Crystal I’m so sorry to hear that! I was meaning to ask you where jinx was because I know that everytime you made a video she always made her debut appearances and had me cracking up everytime! You two made a great team! I know shes watching over you and so proud of you!
What a cutie
I’m so so sorry for your loss. My cat is like my baby and I can’t imagine losing her.
Girl, so sorry I know it’s a tough loss so sorry to hear it, But take comfort in the fact that Jinx was loved in this world and she was a big ball of love. I’m glad you have Max to comfort you and Pete.
Oh I’m so sorry, I know your heart will be breaking but it’s best to reflect on the great memories you both had together which make you smile. I’m more a dog lover than cat but Jinx looks a beautiful cat.
Oh, I am so sorry for your loss, I know how hard it can be, My heart aches for you and your family. – Tara
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Crystal, I hope the good and sweet memories will make you smile soon without tears. I’m sorry for your loss.
I’m so very sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry Crystal, such sad news.
Crystal, I am so sorry for your loss. I was missing Jinx in your videos. Wishing you, Pete and Max well. I’m sure Max must be missing his friend.
Crystal, you have my deepest sympathy… losing a loved one is never easy. Take as much time as you need- your fans will wait for you. God bless you and your family.
Crystal, I’m so, so sorry for the loss of your dear Jinx. I have enjoyed all of the wonderful Jinx and Max moments, and I will miss her “box opening” antics. God bless and keep you during this time of bereavement.
I’m sorry for loss of your furry friend.
Nooo not sassy Jinx. I’ll miss her as well. Loved seeing her in the background sunbathing or washing herself.
I’m sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.
Terribly sorry for your loss :(. She was a wonderful co-host! Along with Max of course. She’ll be watching over you now :). Take care!
So sorry about Jinx, she’s my first cat Dusty’s twin. She looks so regal
I am sorry for your loss Crystal
I’m so sorry for your loss. Jinx was a beautiful cat with a loving mama. Take care and take all the time you need. Blessings to you and your family
so sorry for your loss. great that you have a great support system.
jinx will be watching from above.
Crystal I’m so very sorry for your loss. I haven’t lost a pet and so very long I don’t know what I would do if my Luna would pass. She too has lived at my hip for well over 10 years now. She’s been my constant companion and I don’t know what my life would be like without her. Again I’m very sorry that Jinx is gone but you do have a lot of memories and hopefully that will help in the meantime
I’m so sorry to hear about Jinx. Our pets are such a big part of our families and it is so difficult to lose them. I’ve been watching your videos and reading your blog for almost a year now and haven’t commented, but I just wanted to reach out today to say that I’m really sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry for your loss!!
Oh no……I’m so sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry for your loss Crystal. RIP Jinx.
I am really sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you, Pete, and Max are doing well.
Crystal so sorry to hear of Jinx’s passing:(
it’s hard to lose a loved one, i’m so sorry.
so so sorry for your loss crystal :{