Sephora Friends & Family Sale-Its COMING!!!

Mark your calendars October 20th thru November 2nd.

It’s 20% off at Sephora!

Get your online carts ready, mine is!

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  1. Regina says

    Hi Crystal, can you please post your shopping list or do a shopping list/ideas vid? I have my wish list but you always have the best ideas and I’d love to know what you’re getting. Thanks :)

    • says

      Hi! I’m capitalizing on the holiday sets for this F&F sale. There are sets by Tarte, Urban Decay, OPI for Sephora nail polish. They are already good deals so getting 20% off them is going to be great!
      For example the Tarte Lip Service Limited-Edition LipSurgence™ Collection is $29 for five lip gloss pencils. I’ve wanted to try one for a while but they are regularly $24 each! So getting 20% off the $29 is going to be great. I can’t use all five of the colors but I will keep most of them!

  2. T.R. says

    *Doing my happy dance* I’ve been waiting for this. I already have a full list of things I want. I know I’ll have to narrow it down but still….:O)

  3. Regina says

    Thanks Crystal! I have one lipsurgence, a pink color, and it’s nice and smooth but a bit frosty for me :(
    I’ll check out the sets too, thanks for sharing!!! I’m so excited and can’t wait to shop!!!!!!

  4. says

    Does the 20% sale apply to everyone? Just have to walk in and get it or do I need some kind of Sephora card?

    One more question (sorry for all the questions but I know you are a makeup guru!)…do you know if the sale applies to Sephora’s inside JC penney??

    • says

      I am a VIB which is a free little club or whatever, I heard they are being more strict this year like you can only order once online or use the discount once in the store. This is different from other years. Sometimes I’d get stuff at the store because I wanted to swatch the tester and try stuff etc. and then order online the stuff I couldn’t find or was out of stock online. I might not be able to do that this year. I think you can use the discount once and thats it. I hope thats not the case though….

      • says

        Oh…you have to be a VIB to get the f&F sale? No wonder why I don’t see it on their website.

        Will joining as a Beauty Insider qualify me? Cause the VIB you have to spend $350 in a year…obviously it’s too late for me now…

        • says

          I’m not sure what you have to be exactly. I’m just sure they notify VIB’s and others that order from them about the sale. They send out an email about the sale. There might be a code to use or something.

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